Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Plan To Be Spontaneous

I'm linking up with Deb @ Deb Runs for the Wednesday Word.

Please visit Deb and the other participating bloggers.  It's fun!


I'm one who plans to be spontaneous.  I'm serious.  Stay with me....

With running, I've always tried to stay at a certain level of fitness, never giving up my longer weekend runs.  I did not want to start over.  (That is saved for injuries.)  I figured this way if I saw a race I really wanted to do, there would be nothing to stop me.   The recent Viking Half Marathon is a prime example.  I registered on Thursday and traveled on Friday.

I may get a general idea in my head, plant a little seed and let it germinate.  But, I don't usually take action until it is in full bloom.  Planning is wonderful and I've done my share.  Sometimes it's required, say for a major trip for example.  But thinking back -- after all of the research, planning and scheduling -- when we arrived at our destination, I felt as if I had already been!

It's nice to have the element of surprise!

Don't get me wrong.  Some areas of my life are planned and organized.  I work.  I have a family.  I have obligations.  I do like a certain order about things, a certain structure.  But, being this way in these areas allows me to be spontaneous in others.  If a friend asks on Friday evening if I want to race a 5k the next morning, the answer is YES.  If my husband asks if I want to go to the lake, YES let's go! 

Spontaneity was one trait that attracted me to my husband.  He was willing to go and do without fanfare.  He's given me a few trips through the years with just a few days notice.  In our younger days we did things such as pack up and drive to the nearest mountain to snow ski, with little thought.  This past winter, he nostalgically announced "Beech will have snow this weekend".  We should have gone!

Twice last year, I won race entries into destination half marathons.  I had about 10 days notice for each.  One of those races (REVEL Rockies) was the most beautiful, awe-inspiring, "This Is Why I Run" half I've experienced!  What if I had not gone?

You've got to be able to take opportunities that come your way.  

Make plans to be spontaneous!  It's not as crazy as it sounds.


  1. Oooh, you are my kind of gal! I'm by nature impulsive, but life constraints keep me under control. I fly free when I can!

    1. The last thing I ever want to wonder is " what if ".

  2. I love your approach to life. Thinking back, there have been times that we woke up and took off to go skiing at the last minute because ski conditions were so good. I'll have to credit my husband for being spontaneous those times.

    Thanks for linking up!

    1. Thanks for hosting the Wednesday Word! You went so you can take some of that credit. LOL.

  3. Replies
    1. Yes. And, you and I race more than anyone else! Sole sisters.

  4. I did that one time - registered for a race the day before... I loved the excitement of it.

    1. Exactly. The planning and extended training periods can sometime take the fun out of races.

  5. You are a free spirit! Love that! I am totally up for adventure. Alas, the kids' school schedules throw a cramp in my ability to wing it sometimes.

    1. I admit it's a little easier to just go and do now that the kids are older.

  6. Love this! I think I am a lot like you in that I plan to be spontaneous, too. I call it "hedging" myself just in case. =) But truly, there are some absolutely fantastic experiences to be had if you let loose every once in awhile. It keeps life fun and interesting, no?

    That Revel medal is AMAZING.

    1. I have ideas rattling around in my brain until I decide I want to act on one. It seems spontaneous, but I've been thinking you know? Revel is an awesome experience. A gorgeous downhill series of marathons and halves.

  7. Yes - I'm right there with you. I am not naturally spontaneous but want to make plans to be spontaneous!!! Sounds like it has worked out well for you at least a few times!!

    1. As long as certain things are in order, I can be spontaneous with others. I can't fly completely by the seat of my pants.

  8. I love reading about your spontaneous running & racing adventures! That's cool that your husband is equally spontaneous. It sounds like it really works for you both. I tend to be at the other end of the spectrum and many people, including my husband, tell me I should loosen up a bit. I think this summer I will be keeping my fitness up and maybe run some races at the last minute. Pretty crazy for me, but you've inspired me!

    1. And I love reading about your strong commitment and hard work! I'm always in awe of that. LOL. That's a good plan for the summer! The more races you can do last minute, I bet the more comfortable you will get with them. I do need structure in some areas.

  9. I'm much more spontaneous at heart than I am in real life. A husband, business, job, and three (well, four now counting my foster) animals kind of keeps me grounded. I can't tell you how many times I've been disappointed beyond words because an opportunity would come up that I just wasn't able to take advantage of because of the logistics. Damn adulthood and its stupid responsibilities!!!

    1. You know, I think our dogs keep us from doing things more than the kids ever did. We could always take the kids with us. You can't always take the dogs...and one of them barfs in the car.

  10. I like to plan but I'm also willing to be spontaneous -- especially for something fun!.

  11. I wish I was more spontaneous, but not having a plan makes me batty, LOL!

    1. I respect that. I need planning and structure in some areas!

  12. You will. It won't take long to get where you want to be!


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