Thursday, January 29, 2015

Runfessions - January 2015 Edition

I'm linking up with Marcia today from Marcia's Healthy Slice and coming clean with my Runfessions.  After all, they are good for the SOLE.  (So corny, couldn't resist.)

I've been rather lazy in January.  After feeling exhausted at the end of the year, I decided to reduce my mileage hoping for a nice re-boot, so to speak.  I do feel much better, but I am also still running the lower mileage.  Yes, I ran two half marathons in January but the in-between mileage was certainly nothing spectacular.  It's simply time to get back to it. 

Just push it already !!
My finger is still hovering over that marathon registration BUTTON.   If I had someone to do it with, to keep me accountable, I think I'd have already registered.  It's not that I need someone to race with, heck the vast majority of my half marathons have been done solo (OK, and since I'm runfessing, sometimes I enjoy that solitude) but, it would just be nice in this instance to share the training and the journey.

How am I doing with my plan to incorporate strength training, you ask?  Absolutely horrible!  I've had a severe case of tennis elbow since the day after Christmas.  Something I thought would last a few days is still hurting.  It hurts to pick up the stapler on my desk.  What did I do to said elbow?  I have no clue.  But, whew!! -- thank goodness it's an injury that doesn't affect running!

Proceed with caution...

One last thing...I've gained 5 pounds slowly over a 2 year period.  I hear tell (thanks to Herbie on the Run) that an extra 5 pounds cause your half marathon times to be reduced by over 2 minutes.  Excuse me?  Well *ahem*, actually that sounds about right!  The first couple of pounds I chalked up to additional muscle (bahahaha) but now the others -- just, ugh!  Lower mileage is definitely not helping me here, neither are the Sweet Potato Biscuits I recently found in the frozen food section of Publix.

So tell me, what would you like to runfess?  I'm listening!


  1. I can attest to the fact that extra weight adds unwanted time to races. I've got 10 lbs to be rid of. I also get the weird pain/injury with no reason. I've got an ornery rotator cuff that I swear I did nothing to aggravate. Now which marathon are you thinking of?
    Thanks for linking up!

    1. I've got several I'm mulling over. Most prominent is Revel Rockies in CO in July. I loved their half last year.

  2. My runfessions are almost identical to yours except for the elbow. Mine is right hand pain. Other than 2 halfs I have been skipping midweek runs. I have never done a full and I could be talked into it I had a partner to train with. Too bad you do t live closer. And yes I have those extra nasty lbs

    1. It would be great if we lived closer. We could always meet in the middle!

  3. Which marathon are you considering? I bet there are other bloggers doing the same one that you can virtually partner up with.

    1. There are several on my radar. The one I'd really like to do is Revel Rockies in CO. I haven't heard of anyone wanting to do that one.

  4. I've got about 6 extra lbs I need to make go away - I know it will impact my times if I don't...but comfort food is so enticing when it's so cold outside :) Which marathon are you considering?

    1. You are right! I think I eat more in winter. I'm looking at a few but most prominent is Revel Rockies in CO.

  5. The elbow thing is such a mystery! I always assume things like that will go away, but since it's been a month, it might be time to ask a doctor what's up.
    I think extra weight should speed us up! I vote for getting faster! Lol. I'm looking a few extra minutes on my half marathon time next week, too.

    1. I've had the elbow thing before but only for a short period. It is better, but still present. I WISH extra weight made us faster! But then, I'd probably be out of control! Good luck on your half! Can't wait to read about it.

  6. I too have added way too much weight during my past few years of getting over a work injury and being able to run again. But it is true, weight does play into it quite a bit, not as much for the regular runner. But for anyone trying to break into elite or BQ's it can play a huge part in times!
    I guess I should also confess I have been horrible this week with running. I came down with a head cold that came quick and hard, and I literally haven't done much of anything the past 3 days.. That really needs to change!!!

    1. A few years ago when I got "serious" about running - wanting to lower my times especially - I was so particular about what I ate. Before I ate anything, I would ask myself "will this help me be a better runner?" I've let that slide a bit. I'm not a horrible eater, but could be much better.

    2. I like that idea, I may steal that! Seriously, the mind is a powerful tool and that's a great question to ask myself daily!!! Thanks for the tip:)

    3. I hope it helps! I'm trying to get back in that habit right now. I did not eat that piece of cake last night! LOL.

  7. I hear you on wanting training partners for a marathon training cycle--I've actually had partners for every single 20-miler I've ever done…I'm sure I could go it alone, but with friends it's so much nicer! And as to picking up the mileage, I think winter is a hard time to motivate for that!

    1. It's particularly difficult to get up even earlier on winter mornings for a longer predawn run. It's great you've been able to run with partners for accountability and fun.

  8. I've gained 5 lbs over the past 5 days... so be proud of yourself :)

  9. Really 5 lbs? That is interesting. If that's the case why am I not running faster bc I lost more than five within the last yr...haha. I actually have been doing pretty well with the strength training in January. Hope you can find some motivation:)

    1. I think it depends what your optimal running weight is to begin with. Some people probably need to put on a few pounds for their best race times. Very tricky business.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Oops Wendy, I hit the wrong button - didn't mean to delete you! Anyway, I could enter the lottery for Chicago and see what happens! You never know. That would be fun!

    2. Yikes! For a minute there I though I wrote something questionable! LOL! Let me know if you jump into the lottery.

    3. OK, good - I didn't delete this time. I definitely will try the lottery! I'll leave it up to chance.

  11. Fun topic! My runfession would have to be that I keep swearing that I am only going to feed my body fuel and not crap but that's a tough promise to keep. I think I'm getting better most of the time, but still need a bit of fine tuning! Have a great weekend. I'll be checking to see if you do end up signing up for a full...I have never taken that leap!

  12. It is a tough promise. I once was very good about not eating anything that was not going to help me with my running, I've slacked off of that a bit. Take the leap with me!

  13. I must confess, I am struggling to fit in the strength workouts too. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    1. And thanks for the return visit! I hope I can eventually get some strength training done.

  14. What are you doing to rehab your elbow? I had the same problem for ages, and had to wear a band below my elbow during certain activities (especially cutting the grass). Stretches and ice barely helped, and it wasn't until I started doing a deep massage of the aggravated tendon that it finally got better.

    My runfession would be my recent wimpiness since my injury. This morning I could have easily joined some running friends for a run, but since I thought I might need to take some walk breaks (and that I might get too cold), I opted to run inside on my treadmill.

    1. I've tried the band a few times, not much help. I just hate to cover it up with ibuprofen too. I'll definitely try the deep massage. Thanks for the tip! I've had it before but never for this long. I think we all go through that "careful" stage after an injury. It takes a while to forget.

  15. I do too! I'm scared of injury - I am older. I almost want to do one without the extra training miles. Crazy! Don't go messing up your shoulder now.


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