Thursday, July 9, 2015

Lil Ol' Me

The incredibly talented Hailey from Striding Strong recently tagged me to answer a few fun non-running questions.  Here goes nothing...

What is something people might be surprised to learn about you?

I was trained to play classical piano and took lessons for many years.  Now, I rarely play.  My piano's sole purpose is to hold picture frames and collect dust.  For a period of time, I played after supper every evening to get one of my dogs to eat.  She'd carry her food into the room, drop it on the floor, and eat while I played.  Beyond weird.  I still crank out a few tunes during the holidays. 

Have you ever met someone famous?

No, never!  I've seen a few famous people.  But, I've never spoken to or gotten a picture made with anyone I consider famous.

What is something you hope will never come back in style?

Big hair.  I cold-turkey quit the curling iron and hairspray years ago.  Never again.  My kids said I had what they called "fluffy hair" and told me I looked like Doris Roberts, Raymond's mom on the TV show Everybody Loves Raymond.  Eek!  {Love you too!} 

What is one thing on your travel must-see bucket list.

This one is tough!  I'm always willing to go anywhere and see anything.  I still haven't made it to the Grand Canyon. 

Who would you want to play in a movie of your life?

Reese Witherspoon is southern and blonde and probably the most logical person, y'all.  I hear she runs too!

Who is your favorite Disney Princess?

I'm too old to have been acquainted with Disney Princesses as a child.  And although we were (are) huge Disney fans, our three boys certainly cared nothing about them.  I would probably pick Ariel simply because of my love of water.  (I know she's a mermaid -- does she count?)

What would you sing at karaoke night?

Actually, karaoke goes on in my head 24/7.  The bar is always open, so to speak.  Always.  Even.At.Night.  Just ask what I'm currently tuned into and I'll sing you a few bars.  But for an official karaoke night, I'd go with an oldie:  Give Me Three Steps by Lynyrd Skynyrd.

Who would you want to be stranded on a desert island with?

I'd have to say my husband (aka PoPo).  He's very resourceful.  Also, he can quote lines from Gilligan's Island and I'm positive this useless trivia would be extra helpful!  Although, after a few hours we may want to lovingly choke each other.  All kidding aside -- we always have a blast when we travel.  This would be no different.  Maybe we could distill our own rum...and make banana cream pies.  I'm sure he knows how Mary Ann did this without electricity. {Guess what song's in my head now!}

What clothing item/accessory/shoes do you have way too many of in your closet?

I'm not a fan of shopping, but I do have quite a collection of shoes.  Aside from the many pairs of running shoes I can't seem to part with, there are tons of sandals in there.  {How many black sandals does one person need?}  And lordy -- look at all the flip flops...the staple of a southern woman.  

What is your biggest pet peeve?

People who smack and pop their chewing gum.   This is followed closely by people who can't speak using the correct tense of a verb.  But I think I'll save this annoying topic for the first That Time of the Month linkup. 

Wendy from Taking The Long Way Home is joining me as co-host of this new monthly linkup.  It's your chance to get those things you find so annoying off your chest.  Take this opportunity to clear your mind so you may focus on your training!  Wendy and I are beyond excited about this and hope you'll join us.  Please mark your calendars for Saturday July 18th and be a part of the inaugural link.

How would you answer one of these questions?

I'm tagging just a few of my favorite bloggers (there are so many!) to answer these same questions.  If you've already done this, please accept my apology:

Chaitali @ Running, and Enjoying the Journey
Darlene @ My First 5k and More
Deb @ Deb Runs 
Gretchen @ Gretch Runs
Jennifer @ Run Jenny Run
Judy @ Chocolate Runs Judy
Karen @ Running Over The Hill
MB @ Tutus and Tennies
Rebecca Jo @ Press on and Run
Tricia @ MissSippiPiddlin



  1. It's always so fun to learn more about other bloggers. :)

    That's so awesome that you're a classical pianist. Your dog is Dinner and a show!

    I'm excited about you new linkup with Wendy. This should be interesting.

    1. Ha. The things you'll do for a pet, you know? I hope you'll link up with us. I know you've got something to talk about!

  2. Haha! I was trained to play classical piano too! I knew we were sisters from another mother. And my piano sits idle. I feel so guilty as I write this!

    1. It's a little freaky, isn't it? I sometimes think about the money spent on 12 or 13 years of lessons. Wow!

  3. OHHH - I gotta answer these questions :) Fun stuff.
    & I have Reese on my blog today... love her & her southern accent.
    I just thought the other day I want to start playing the piano again - I haven't played in YEARS. I'm sure I forgot how.

    1. I saw Reese on your blog with her sweat! I'm sure she could nail my accent. I need to MAKE myself play the piano. It's kind of sad that I don't.

  4. Love this! Hilarious that you used to have to play piano to get your dog to eat!

    1. She does not eat if I go upstairs. I figured out she would eat if I sat at the piano. The things you do for your pet. She puts about 10 dry pieces of food in her mouth, carries it to another room, drops it and eats. And then goes back and repeats the cycle. Is that not weird?

  5. Cool idea for a linkup. I feel like I've missed so much by being MIA from the blogosphere for about a week. The desert island question is interesting. I'd probably say my husband but that could be a recipe for disaster. My sister would be a close second, although we'd be hurting in the practical skills department.

    1. My sister would be my second choice as well, but we definitely have zero skills!

  6. Your new link up sounds fun I will have to think up something to write about for it!

  7. Now I have to think. And here I was going to answer some in my comment.

    During the summer, I have big hair naturally. My hair was always frizzy, but now that it's partially gray, it's even worse. Remember the episode of Friends where they go to the Caribbean & Monica's hair keeps growing?

    1. I know that hair well. I have a picture from a race that I might get the nerve to publish one day. I had forgotten my rubber bands and barrettes so I left it down. It was a very muggy, coastal half marathon. OH MY! I look like my finger had been stuck in a light socket.

  8. Ha that's too funny about your dog only eating to your piano playing:). I have not one musical bone in my body!

    1. My talent (loosely speaking) was all learned, and definitely not natural. Both of my dogs are very quirky.

  9. LOL on the big hair. Do you watch The Goldbergs? The Mom's wardrobe is too painfully familiar to me!

    1. Ha! I've seen it a couple of times. Big sweaters from the 80s? I'm sure I have some of that too.

  10. Replies
    1. If someone would style my hair every day, then I'd definitely change my mind. Otherwise, it's too much work!

  11. such a fun post! I love the big hair comment - so funny they said you looked like Mrs. Barrone ;) I love that sho1!

  12. This is a cute post. I love that you used to play piano to get your dog to eat. That seems like something that I would do, if I could play piano that is. My one dog used to be the pickiest eater.

    1. She is so quirky AND THIN. I had to do something.

  13. I'm convinced I could never play the piano because my hands are too small. I used to play the flute, and I kind of wish I still did. I also used to have a dog that would be really picky about where he would eat. I'd find food all over from where he would carry it.

    1. I wanted to play the flute in junior high school. Instead, my parents got me a clarinet. This is my first experience with a dog that carries food from the bowl into another room. Good to know she's not alone!

  14. Oh what fun and thank you so much for the tag! I'm actually working on my post now :) I loved the part about playing for your dog that's so funny but hey we do what we got to do for our 4 legged family right!

    1. Exactly. You've got to take care of all the members of your family...and whatever works.

  15. I love your (and Wendy's) new linkup - so fun! And the name and concept is great! I will definitely try to linkup.

    Thanks for tagging me! I'll try to get it out soon.

    1. I hope you can link up. Your Wednesday Word is a favorite but I admit sometimes very challenging! LOL.

  16. We lived in the boondocks and all we had after school on TV was Gilligan's Island. I could probably quote the same lines the hubs does! Thanks for playing!

  17. Aww fun - I'll have to do this post in the future - thanks for tagging me :) The link up name is creative! I, too, get annoyed with chew/gum smackers

    1. I can't wait to read your answers! I hope you will join in on the monthly link too!


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