Sunday, August 16, 2015

Weekly Wrap #2

Welcome to the second ever Weekly Wrap!

This is a new weekly linkup hosted by yours truly and my good friend Tricia @ MissSippiPiddlin.  We want to hear about your weekly adventures.  You are encouraged to include anything you did to be active or anything you considered fun.  We want to hear everything and how you amazing women accomplish it all.  You can summarize your whole week or just a small portion of it.  It's up to you!  See rules here.

Monday started with the typical rest day.  I don't even remember Tuesday's 4 mile easy run.  I guess this means it was a typical run.  I do remember Wednesday's however.  Holy Moly.  I had the worst side cramp during this 4 mile run (which was supposed to be 5).   If I get any type of pain, it is usually the I-need-to-burp-really-bad pain in my shoulder. This was very low, very painful and therefore quite strange.

I saved my longer 8 mile pace run for Thursday thinking the weather would be a bit better.  It wasn't.  My side tried to cramp again but never became as painful as the day before.   Unfortunately, my pace was slower than last week's.  I also stopped a mile short when I realized I wasn't going to make it to work on time.  Friday was another rest day.

So far, this summer has been spent water skiing on Saturdays and running long on Sundays.  Due to a baby sitting commitment, I ran 17 miles on Saturday morning and skipped water skiing altogether.  There was no official cross training this week, unless babysitting qualifies -- and I believe it might!  Having a 5 month old 16 pounder on your hip is tough stuff.  How quickly we forget!

During my long run, I decided I was going to keep this post positive.  I would not blog about how bad it is to run in the heat and humidity.

Mmm  .....  Argh  .....  That's very hard to do!

I know I sound like a broken record.  I live in this climate. I should get over it already!  In full disclosure, my pace was actually worse than what is shown.  This didn't take into consideration the few times I stopped,  put my hands on my knees, and had those internal tantrums and soul searching conversations.  Here's a little fact to illustrate the tough conditions:  I drank about 96 ounces of fluid and still lost over 4 pounds.

As promised to myself, here is my list of positives:
  • I earned another Personal Distance Record, beating my previous of 16 miles.
  • I had no chafing or blistering thanks to Trail Toes.
  • I had no cramping anywhere.  This was truly amazing as foot cramping is usually a given.  Saltstick works.
  • I earned a Trail Shoe Badge from Fitbit for taking 35,000 steps.
  • I've now selected by marathon bra and socks. 
  • I was not struck by lightning, bitten by a dog, or stung by a bee (even though one was riding on my Camelbak).
  • Nothing hurt.
  • I kept going.

And the Big One for THE WIN...
  • I cannot tell I ran 17 miles.    Woot, woot!

It's not often we are asked to babysit our grandkids and we had a lot of fun.  Our grandson stayed in the pool all weekend with our teens.  After they were picked up on Sunday, this butterfly and I (see it on my toe?) floated around a few hours.  I'm not sure if she was tired from babysitting too or just drawn to my purple polish.  There may have been some napping involved.

In review, I ran a total of 32 miles but certainly didn't have the best week of training.  I'm worried now because there are not many opportunities left to run extra long mileage before the Chicago Marathon.  I would feel so much better to be able to have couple of solid 18, 20, or even 22 mile runs under my belt.  But, it may not be realistic in this weather.  However, the race will go on and I will still run it.

And, that's a wrap!

Is anyone else worried about their training?
Tell me something about your week!

And we'd love you to also WRAP IT UP WITH US.


  1. Congrats on finishing another long run in your training! I had a side ache at the beginning of my 10K race here in Leadville today. Fortunately, it went away before I had much time to worry about it. Every once in a while I get one - maybe from breathing hard on the hill today.

    1. Thanks! Sometimes I'll get one on my first run after I've raced a half. I've always figured the muscles were overworked and sore.

  2. Congrats on the long run ! I can not believe how much water weight you lost in a single run... four pounds is crazy. Definitely shows how hot it is.

    I am still on vacation which allowed me to get in four solid runs in beautiful scenery. Taking advantage of it because next week it is back to the city.

    1. My worst weight lost has been 7 pounds. You can't drink that much in one day to get it replaced. I hope you enjoy your last week of vacation!

  3. Great job on your long run! We've all had those internal soul searching conversations. I know that I had one last week for sure. That humidity sounds just awful. I really need to look into saltsticks. I've heard that they are very helpful.
    Baby sitting totally counts as cross training. I feel the same about keeping up with my daughter. Have a great week!

    1. I've used Saltstick caps for over a year. I can say they work for me most of the time. I've had enough success with them that now I'm afraid not to use them.

  4. You ran 17 miles! No chafing! That's amazing. And even considering your pauses, your pace was amazing to ME. I's probably be down to 14mm, or worse!

    My coach says if you can run 16, you can do a marathon. I think as long as you get in more solid long runs you'll be good.

    I'm facing a very hot & humid week with very little wiggle room for my runs - and yeah, thunderstorms might be thrown in the mix. Pray for me!

    1. You know, there is a lot of controversy over how many miles you should reach in marathon training. Some coaches want you to go way over and some under. Quite honestly, it's confusing! Mentally, I think it would help to know I could do the higher miles. I hope you won't have thunderstorms this week!

  5. I feel the same way after blowing my 12 miler yesterday. Like you said, there aren't many more opportunities for long runs. Oh well...

    Looks like a great week of training for you!

    1. If you plan to take cutback weeks, there are not many chances left. Yikes.

  6. Wow, great job with the long run! I understand complaining about the weather. I tell people I live in the heat, but you never get used to it. You just cope until the weather becomes more reasonable.

    1. Thanks. When I train for my 2nd marathon all of this heat will be a thing of the past. What will I have to talk about?

  7. Oh gosh, PLEASE don't worry about your training! My marathon is the week before yours so that'd mean I'd should REALLY worry about training, but I refuse to. When I ran my blistering hot and cancelled Chi Marathon in 2007, I felt SO hopeless that marathons were SO hard. But trust me the day will come when its NOT a billion degrees and these long runs will be a whole different animal. You got your runs in, that's what counts. Cheers to floating in the pool my friend, you rock!

    1. I needed this Marcia. I think I've got the wrong expectations for these long runs. I'm going to try my best for a little different perspective this weekend. Thanks for the kind words.

  8. Way to look at the positives! Congrats!! You ran 17 miles! That is a great accomplishment!

    1. Thanks! It looks like I'm going to try for 20 this weekend. Yikes! I'll really be searching for the positives.

  9. I would love to say I had a 10 mile in yet- but I can't! It is just to muggy :( looks like a great week to me and any week that ends floating in the pool is a great thing! Love the purple toes and the butterfly and I just accepted the workweek challenge. Cheers to a new week!

    1. Amen, to it's too muggy. You won't hear me complain about cold weather. You probably don't get much of a winter but we do. I'm counting the days!

  10. It's always great to look at the positives after a long run! You did an awesome job and I can't believe how much water weight you lost. That's crazy! I don't ever feel 100% ready for any race..I always feel like I could run more/do more/etc., but the fact is that you ran a lot to train for this race-it is what it is- and you'll get it done one way or another! So don't worry about getting in those last few miles. You still have another shot coming up so you'll be fine!!

    1. The worst weight loss I've measured is 7 pounds. That's a testament to how much I sweat! On this run, I drank as much as I possibly could...probably too much. Thanks for the kind words.

  11. I always worry about my training. Even though I have run 14 half, I still struggle with every run esp the long ones. I know I can finish but I wish I had a good run so I could enter the race with more confidence.

    The good news - Jimmy Buffet was awesome!!

    1. I guess we all worry we haven't done enough. Yeah, I'm struggling to get that confidence. So jealous you saw Jimmy Buffet!

  12. You are so right on the Big One! Running 17 miles and not even being able to tell it is just awesome! Isn't that what we all strive for, being able to push ourselves but yet not killing us! Well for me anyway! You are going to do great in your marathon my friend! :)

    1. Thank you! I hope so. I'll just keep plugging away at it. The last thing I want is the old body to "say when".

  13. Yippe for a pool to entertain grandkids while you can enjoy it as well... with cute toes at that :)
    I'm sure you're training is going to be just fine for the Chicago Marathon... you work so hard.

    1. Yes, it does entertain my grandson for sure. Thanks for the encouragement!

  14. I love that you listed all the positives from your run! Running for that long in the heat is a huge accomplishment. Congrats! Have you ever considered running with a friend or group--or having having someone accompany you on bike--for your long runs? Running with someone else really helps to distract me & make the time go so much quicker on long runs.

    1. That would be a great distraction, but I could never ask someone to run or bike that early in the morning. I think it would work better in winter when I run so much later on the weekends. But right now, I think everyone else is asleep. LOL.

  15. Great job focusing on all the positives of that long run - and there were SO MANY!!! No chafing, blistering, cramping, or pain? You are winning ALL AROUND. Way to go on your training - you are doing AWESOME!!!

    1. Thanks so much for the encouragement Emily! It's really tough in these conditions.

  16. Congrats on the great week!!!! Sometimes it's hard to focus on the positive, but we always feel better when we do!!!

    1. Yes, it does make you feel better. I'm going to do my best to keep this going until race day!

  17. Sounds like you had a pretty good week. Congrats on getting the 17 miler done! I don't go over 16 miles with this training plan and I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around that. Thanks for the link up.

    1. But your plan has crazy high mileage and no rest! I'm too old for that. LOL.

  18. AWESOME JOB on the 17 miler!! Woot Woot!
    Great job on your 35,000 step badge, don't you just love those Fitbit Milestones:)

    1. Thanks so much! It is a nice little surprise to get those awards. I never expect them! On my last long run, I was awarded with the 75 floors badge (forget name). I thought I was running a flat route. I guess not. HA!

  19. 17 miles! You go girl!!! So impressive!

    35000 steps-well now!!!

    Look at that cute butterfly and toes!!

    My training has been at a stand still due to Dr. orders and I am fretting about how I will pick up training to complete the training and do well in my races in October....

    Keep up the positives....those were all great!!!

    1. Oh, thank you so much! I'm sorry to hear your training is on hold. Hopefully you'll be back to training soon! Just remember the end goal.

  20. I am really impressed by all of you training for fall marathons and logging these long runs in the summer heat. Great job!

    1. I appreciate it. It's tough. Next summer, I'm not sure I'll be doing the same thing. But, never say never.

  21. Great job focusing on the positive - I especially liked "not struck by lightening". :) Babysitting a toddler is definitely cross training!

    1. Just trying to keep it positive. LOL. The bee thing was freaky though. Apparently he liked Gatorade Endurance formula.

  22. Karen, one of the worst days for swampiness was this morning after a very stormy night. It just seems never ending! I think I may just cry when I feel that first cool, crisp morning. I won't be able to run! I do think the weather will make a big difference in the way you feel.

  23. Congrats on your personal distance record! What will your longest long run be? I feel like you never really get used to the humidity. It just sucks the energy right out of you!

    1. The plan I loosely follow goes up to one 20 mile run. I'd like to do a 20 and a 22. It will probably depend on the weather.


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