Welcome to the Weekly Wrap!
This weekly linkup is hosted by yours truly and my good friend Tricia @ MissSippiPiddlin. The purpose is to connect with and support other active women. We want to hear about your weekly adventures. You are encouraged to include anything you did to be active or anything you considered fun. Please tell us how you amazing women accomplish it all. You can summarize your whole week or just a small portion of it. It's up to you! See rules here. Rule Change: You can now link beginning at 6 pm (CT) on Sunday evenings!
So here it goes -- the post I really didn't want to write. Basically, my worst fear about training for a marathon has come to pass. INJURY. And just two weeks before the race, during taper no less. I have a stress fracture on the top of my left foot in the 3rd metatarsal bone. I have no pain until I place my foot down to walk and make it bear weight.
The harsh, cold, light-bulb glaring truth of it is...I failed at training for my first marathon. My emotions are raw and painful still, as anyone who has been injured can understand. Suffice it to say it has been one incredibly tough week. I expect this last week leading up to Chicago will probably be just as hard. I sincerely wish those of you running Chicago the best of luck! Please, do me a tiny favor and think of me in mile 23.
The what ifs and why mes are making me crazy. It is imperative that I get out of that negative head space. I keep reminding myself that I've completed 35 half marathons (and hundreds of other races) since my last stress fracture more than 4 1/2 years ago, which was in my ankle.
Bodies do heal. Life will go on.
On a more positive note, I've been wanting a new bike for a while. I put it off during the summer as my training seemed pretty full with 4 running days and 1 water skiing day. This week seemed like the perfect time to shop. It is something I enjoy and can do while my foot heals. So I'm saying goodbye to my 15 year old K-Mart Special Catapult mountain bike...
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Goodbye, Bertha! |
and saying hello to Sanity or Clarity or perhaps Hope (Metatarsal just seems too cruel).
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Isn't she pretty? |
Kelli @ Destination Awesome gave me some wonderful pointers about what to look for and ask while bike shopping. In the end, it boiled down to feel. I tested 7 bikes in my price range and ones that met my basic requirements. Although I didn't care about a women's specific bike, the Trek Lexa SL ended up feeling best. This is not the top end model. I just couldn't justify that kind of money as a recreational rider. Kelli, I appreciate your time! (I so wanted Shimaro 105 components -- but what a jump in price!)
Other than test riding bikes, my only activity this week was my inaugural Sanity ride. I rode over 21 miles in Sunday's windy, overcast cool weather. Our weather has been gloomy and rainy all week which honestly matched my disposition. It felt great to be outside and get my heart rate up. It averaged 119 on my 100 minute ride. I played around a lot with the shifters just trying to get used to them and the overall feel of the bike. I'll work on speed as I go along.
Admittedly, I had been riding Bertha without a helmet. {Eek -- I know, I know!} But I knew Clarity would be faster so I scrounged around for a helmet and could only find this one...
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Oh, yes...I sure did. |
Yes, I rode my brand new sporty road bike with a Spiderman helmet complete with a large BASS fishing sticker plastered squarely on top. Boys...
Best case, my foot heals in 6 weeks (only 5 more to go! whoot) I'm not walking much, as evidenced by my Fitbit numbers. I'm wearing a running shoe, which I must say is so not fashionable with work attire. Like.I.Care. The doc said a stiff running shoe was as good as one of those stupid boots, which I have a variety of in my closet.
I hope to ride Hope (look a funny!) 3-4 times a week to help maintain some level of fitness. That will require riding in the early morning dark, which I've never done. I may even go to the gym with PoPo and sons. Oh my, can you believe I just said that?
I haven't decided on my bike's name. Any suggestions?
Ooooh! So excited for you! I remember my first ride on a road bike after having been on a MTB. It felt amazingly fast! That Lexa will be a great bike for you. And heeehee about the spiderman helmet. It would have been even better if you had one of those little mohawk ones I see the little kids using nowadays. Super bummer about your metatarsal stress fracture. Hopefully the bike does bring you some sanity. For sure it will help you maintain your fitness. I stopped running for 6 weeks and cycling kept me in pretty reasonable shape to pick back up when I was ready to.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy riding a bike. But I simply can't imagine having to ride a stationery bike or being on the elliptical in the gym. This seemed like the perfect option and Bertha needed repair. Sadly, she wasn't worth the money.
DeleteOh no, I am so sorry to hear this! Injuries are the worst, especially this close to your race. Glad you are able to do some biking though! And just remember that you will get better and come back even stronger!
ReplyDeleteI thought I had made it through training relative healthy. But, the rug was pulled out from under me. I will be back and hopefully much stronger.
DeleteUmmmm. I bought my Trek Lexa when I had my 3rd metatarsal stress fracture...even test rode the bike while I was in the boot. Coincidence? I think not. You know I love my bike. Almost as much as my running shoes. The best backup plan ever.
ReplyDeleteI'm sad we don't get to meet at Chicago. Guess this means we have to plan something else...
I didn't realize you had a Trek Lexa! It's scary how many similarities we have in our lives. Freaky actually. Let the planning commence...
DeleteI got a bike when I broke my ankle. I didn't love it because it it reminded me why I was riding. So I only ride when I am injured. I hope you have a better attitude about your recovery than I did.
DeleteI will ride when I'm not injured too because I do enjoy it. I'm trying to have a good attitude, but I can't say it's been the best the week.
DeleteOh man, I am crushed for you! Getting so far with your marathon training only to have this happen? That just stinks, no two ways about it. I'm really sorry. :(
ReplyDeleteThanks. It is a huge disappointment! I'll be glad when the race is over so I can stop dreading that day. It's going to be tough to read everyone's recaps too.
DeleteUgh! I am so sorry to hear this! I think you new bike is a good back up plan for getting through this. Please get a proper helmet that's the right size for you! I landed on the side of my head when my bike went out from under me on a slippery wooden bridge this summer.
ReplyDeleteActually Coco, that helmet fit perfectly as I have a tiny head. I didn't have it buckled in the pic. I need to shop for a junior sized new helmet. I remember your fall! Ouch.
DeleteWow she is a beauty too! I'm so glad you were able to get a bike and it is a great way to keep up with your stamina and still let your foot heal! This is just a bump in the road and your right you've been through this before you'll heal and be even better on the other side. I like the name Hope for your bike it's feminine but, I also like Clarity. I think you'll sort through a lot of thoughts and feelings on her and gain that clarity! I think you'll feel better next week when we get some sunshine. It feels like it's been weeks since it was out in reality only a few days.
ReplyDeleteI've gotten through other injuries with a bike. I enjoy it so much ore than anything else. On my ride this morning, I was thinking "Bugs". My bike light was shining through the front cables and it cast a shadow on the road like a HUGE bug with two big antennae. Creepy.
DeleteSo sorry to hear about your injury!! So true, you will heal and come back. That looks like a very cool bike! Haha, love the helmet! Have fun riding!
ReplyDeleteThank you. I'm taken it out twice now and it feels really good!
DeleteOoohh, so sorry to hear about your injury. I was wondering if something was up, as you didn't blog this week. A bike is definitely a great option and your body will appreciate the break from running. Hang in there. Sending positive vibes your way !
ReplyDeleteThank you! I just didn't know what to stay yet so I didn't say anything. I didn't consult with the doc until Thursday either. I'm hoping for a quick recovery, but I've never been a very patient person.
DeleteNoooooooo! As the queen of the taper injury - always seems to happen to me then - I can, unfortunately, empathize.
ReplyDeleteYou didn't fail, though I know it must feel that way. Remember, those last 26.2 are just the last steps in hundreds of miles & you rocked that. I know you will do your marathon.
I also know it's ok to ask why; you may never find the answers, but if you don't at least examine what you did, you surely won't. Maybe there is no answer, but maybe there is.
Enjoy the new bike!
I have been over examining everything, unfortunately. I didn't go over my mileage as a whole. I did a few extra miles a couple of weeks, but also did less a few weeks . I thought I was being smart by only running 4 days, as opposed to my typical 5. I think may be one of those who knows things.
DeleteOh No! I am so sorry to hear this! UGG- bodies do heal, sometimes a little slower than we would like! :( I am impressed how quickly you moved on to plan B! That is a super cool bike! I am sending positive thoughts your way! I don't have my Fitbit replaced yet so I don't have steps showing either! Soon! You will come up with a fun name, it will come to you :) Keep positive!
ReplyDeleteThanks MB. I'm not a patient person, so I'm pretty frustrated right now. My sister actually suggested I name the bike Plan B. I thought that was a cute. Do you know I'm clocking a fair amount of Fitbit steps on this bike? I didn't clock many at all on Bertha. And believe me, I am gripping the bars and not swinging by arm!
DeleteOh no!!! I am sorry to hear this. You've spent so much time training in the worst summer weather, and I was so hoping you'd have a great race with cool weather. I'm glad to see you're trying to stay positive and focusing on new adventures with your new bike. Great way to stay active and keep your fitness up while you heal.
ReplyDeleteI think that is what bothers me the most. There are always other races, so missing Chicago is not the worst thing. But, all that hot & humid training with nothing to show for it. That's messing with me.
DeleteSo sorry to hear about your injury! I remember being diagnosed with a stress reaction in my femur (precursor to a stress fracture) years ago and I had to take months off. I was very upset but it did get me to do things I wouldn't have normally done like biking and spending more time with others. So great that you got a new bike! Looks great! You will heal and you will be back. Take care!
ReplyDeleteI've been through a stress fracture before, it's just been a while since anything has knocked me down like this. I'll be glad when the race is over so I can quit worrying about that day. I think that will help get my mind focused on healing.
DeleteI'm so sorry, that's a really low blow for your body to do this so close to your race. I think using your new bike can be the silver lining (if there is one).
ReplyDeleteYou've got that right. A low blow. That's a cute name! Silver Lining. Or just silver for short.
DeleteOh NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! So sad for you. I think that's why I am afraid to train for a marathon. Because we know that a stress fracture is overuse but how do you know when it is overuse until it's too late. At least for me, it came out of the blue. I have had a metatarsal stress fracture and had to wear the boot for 6 wks. I wasn't allowed to bike either. Glad you can.
ReplyDeleteYou are tough and I actually do see a marathon in your future (if you want it!)
It's been a tough week, I'm telling you! Yeah, funny thing about those nasty stress fractures. When they start hurting, it's already too late. Doc wasn't too concerned about me wearing a boot (I actually have a few). I think he was more concerned I would go ahead with the race.
DeleteI raced 2 5ks with the fracture (ouch) and I didn't go to the doctor til after. So I was running in ignorance (though I did know.) After that I did stop running until it was healed. And started back slowly..even only ran 7 miles of a half and walked the rest. I am now very paranoid about overuse and getting another. Injuries suck.
DeleteInjuries are the worst. I think had the distance been shorter, I might have raced anyway. But its hard to know you've got to take over 50,000 steps on an injured foot and be on it somewhere between 4.5-5 hours. It's a recipe for disaster, for me anyway.
DeleteCongrats on the new bike!!! I have a Trek Lexa as my first grownup bike too. Keep her maintained, and she'll last a while! In terms of riding in the dark tips, DO NOT SKIMP on lights! You want a white one in front, and a red one (blinking) in back. That is what people will see when it's dark out, so paying a little more for the non-crappy bike lights is worth your safety!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tips. I have a front white light and a blinking band on the back. I'm pretty sure I'm visible (and there is very little traffic where I ride) but I do think I need a stronger light in front so I can see better. Just today, I was looking on Amazon and saw one I liked.
DeleteSorry for your injury. That is a super de duper bummer. Heal up. Have fun with your bike. Get an adult helmet and make sure you wear it correctly. They are to protect your noggin in the event of an accident which obviously nobody ever plans so preparation is your only defense.
ReplyDeleteMost adult helmets are too big. I've learned I have a tiny head. But I am shopping for a better one. Thanks!
DeleteSo sorry to hear this! I'm glad you aren't in the boot at least and have your new bike to keep you distracted. Here's hoping 5 more weeks fly by!
ReplyDeleteThanks. I hope these weeks fly by too. I've been trying to plan a few distractions.
DeleteI've been quite a bit heartbroken for you since I heard about this. Stress fractures in the foot are tricky business, I've had them before a few times so I know how painful they can be. And since it all depends on where the fracture is, that changes if you can or cannot run on it. I know how it must have felt to hear yours was in a location you cannot run on it.
ReplyDeleteI ran a couple of marathons on a stress fracture years ago, at the time the Dr's thought it would be okay as long as I ran a certain way. However, I got a different one about a year ago and got the absolutely no running on it from the Doc at that time. I wasn't about to run a marathon, then, so it wasn't quite as crushing:(
I hope you can at least get out and enjoy your new bike. As for things leading up to the race, I find it easier to just stay away from talk and others who will be there, I know it sounds weird. But sometimes not having the constant reminders make it slightly a bit easier.
Very sorry my friend!
Thanks Kristy. I hope it heals quickly. I know when I had one in my ankle, I took extra time off because it just didn't feel right after only 6 weeks. I think it might have been easier to accept had it occurred sooner, even though I still would have been very sad. It is very hard to read what others are saying. It's not their fault, and I wish them well, it's just a huge reminder of my shortcoming.
DeleteI'm so sorry about your injury!!!! But I LOVE your positive attitude.
ReplyDeleteI'm also so glad to see you wearing a helmet. Not sure if you saw my post back in March, but my daughter was hit by a car while on her bike, and could've lost her life because she didn't have a helmet on!!
I do remember your daughter was injured but I did not remember it was on a bike. Yes, I knew I need one but I'm still wearing Spiderman because it fits really well. I have a little pea head.
DeleteNo! This sucks!!! :( You know what, I missed my first marathon due to a stress fracture too... and went on to run some. Hope it's healed for Disney!
ReplyDeleteI am HAPPY you got a helmet. Are you going to get a trainer so you can ride your schweet bike inside, too?
I hope I can still run Disney. Fingers crossed. You know, I might get a trainer to use inside. We'll see once it gets cold.
DeleteOh no!! I am so sorry you are hurt, this too shall pass. I can understand your disappointment, but admire how strong you are. I love bicycling. I take a spin class at least twice a week. Love your helmet, I cannot tell you how many of those I bought for my boys only to find them in the woods or hidden in closets. Sending healing thoughts your way
The inside of this helmet has the word "back" written inside. And I appreciate it, because it so hard to tell! LOL. I am very disappointed, but it will pass. I'll be glad when the race is over so I can quit stressing about it.
DeleteSo sorry about your injury! You'll be stronger once you return to running!!
ReplyDeleteSweet bike (and helmet) though! At least you can ride bikes! Better than nothing!! :)
Thanks. The bike does fill a void, especially when I'm used to running most mornings.
DeleteThe doc asked if I needed a boot and I said no, I got a selection of those at home. Ha. But he also said I could walk in a stiff running shoe, so that's what I'm doing. I'll be glad when Chicago is over so I won't have to dread that day any longer. I appreciate you reaching out to me, my friend. So very sweet!
ReplyDeleteI know you are so disappointed to miss your first marathon and having a little pity party on race day is acceptable and encouraged. Then, put the race and training in the rear view mirror and get excited about Hope and your new adventures until you can run again. Injuries absolutely suck and I am so very sorry you have to miss such a big milestone race. Chicago is on my bucket list, so maybe next year we will both be able to toe the line!
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid I've already had a few pity parties. LOL. Are you running Disney in January? I'm signed up for that one too. Maybe I'll be able to run, if all goes well. We'll see. I'm going to be running vicariously through you at NYC.
DeleteOh eff. I'm so disappointed for you and can just imagine how frustrated you are. To come so far then not be able to run just sucks. Please don't call it a training fail. How could you possibly have known to do something differently? I LOVE that you're seizing the opportunity and doing what you CAN do, and got a gorgeous bike. Big, big hugs to you, my friend. I know I'll see you in Chicago another time. This won't get you down. xoxo
ReplyDeleteThanks Marcia. I've really appreciated your suggestions and time! I think once this weekend passes, I will be easier. I WILL focus on healing and keeping my fitness level as high and I can.
DeleteSo sorry about your injury this close to Chicago. Your training went so well it seems. I'm sure you'll heal and be back in no time. I love your bike! The Trek Lexa Model is so pretty! I bought a gently used Trek bike from a lady my husband knows from work. I need to ride it more.
ReplyDeleteI thought it went well too. In fact, both of my really long runs went fabulously! You should ride your Trek. It is fun and will give your body a break from the pounding. I do know I'll get wimpy once the weather gets cold, though.