Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Dear Body:

Dear Body:

Are you finished with your acting out now?  Within a few months you've thrown at me: a metatarsal stress fracture, a foot neuroma, ongoing hip pain, ITB pain, tennis elbow...and the list goes on.  The last time I wrote to Your Left Foot, I asked what lesson y'all were trying to teach me.  I also tried to bargain with you, if you remember.

Can I ask what's with the age spots additional freckles, sagging skin, and spider veins?  I now see the elderly version of my Mother when I look in the mirror.  In case you didn't hear, someone shouted "YOU GO GRANDMA!" at us during our last half marathon.  Ugh!  Some days, you make me feel so old! 

I have to admit though, you are still getting me across that finish line time and again.  I'm starting to get a glimpse of paces I haven't seen in over a year.  I do realize we are celebrating half #40 this weekend and I think I see another marathon in our future too. 

Perhaps I'm being too judgmental

Instead of criticizing your obvious and unstoppable aging process, maybe it's time to embrace it. We've had some wonder experiences and I'm sure they are many more to come.  I apologize for my judgmental attitude.  Yes, it's time for me to stop.  But, I respectfully request that you don't throw anything else at me for a while.  And give it a rest on the age spots extra freckles, OK?


Do you need to say anything to your body?

I'm linking up with Deb @ Deb Runs for the Wednesday Word.

Please visit Deb and the other participating bloggers.  It's fun!


  1. Freckles. I'm choosing to call them freckles. ;)

    1. Since I've had freckles forever, I refuse to accept the different terminology.

  2. I'm sorry your body threw so much at you lately! It's still hanging in there and getting you across those finish lines though!

    1. That's really all I can ask of it. I need to appreciate it more!

  3. It sounds to me like your body is doing you all right! and that "you go Grandma" person? Jealous.

    1. Yeah, except it was a young adult male. Jealous? Not. Seriously unschooled in etiquette and lacking proper motivational skills? Yes.

  4. I hate to burst your bubble but it only gets worse. But as they say it's better than the alternative.

    Age spots and sagging skin suck. I'm going to keep my old younger self profile pics for every account.

    1. Noooooo..... Ha!

      I know 10 years from now I'll wish I had only these set of aches and pains. I think I'm most disappointed with the sagging skin. I can cover the age spots {ahem} freckles.

    2. I know and I'm not a fan of plastic surgery. Maybe that's why I HATE selfies.

    3. I can't find a filter that makes me look 30!

    4. If you do, please let me know.

    5. Check out LINE CAMERA app. It says: Use the Beauty feature to bring out the natural beauty in your photos!

      You can enhance ALL your body features - I don't use it (obviously)

    6. I will! I've tried Beauty on Snapseed. I don't like it.

    7. This one lets you add or subtract to parts of you body. Get rid of lines, etc. I don't use it but it's fun to try.

  5. I love the way you approached this! Its funny - sometimes we are more judgmental of ourselves than of others! Think you're doing great, BTW! :)

    1. Yes, we are our own worst critic. I think we are afraid of being judged by others so we just do it ourselves. Thanks for the kind words!

  6. I'm prone to freckles too but now yea my Dr called them age spots and I was like wth??? How are we gonna celebrate your 40th half? We'll have to come up with something! Can't wait to see ya chick! ;)

    1. I hope you set the doc straight! We need to do something special, right? You're going to be at #50 too I hope! That's got to be a spectacular event.

  7. While there are more age spots and wrinkles and gray hairs, marathon training has made my stomach flatter and gotten rid of some body fat. So at the moment, I can not complain !

    1. Oooh...I need to start marathon training again! But, I think I gained weight with mine that I still haven't shed. Boo!

    2. Then maybe I need to run a marathon.

    3. Yes, Darlene. You should Just once.

  8. It seems to have been one thing after another lately. I think you've paid your dues and it's time for you to reap the rewards. Hey Holly's body, I second her requests - chill the heck out and give it a rest, okay!?

    1. I have paid my dues! I hope the old body cooperates for a long, long while.

  9. Ha ha ha....I have had similar conversations with my body, too. I really had to do some finger pointing last year when it decided to explore PF a few weeks prior to my marathon.

    1. It's not funny how it throws things at us at the very last minute!

  10. Gah! Spider veins! Although I've had them forever, and it's only in the last two years where I've said "to hell with it!" and started wearing shorts. They're a part of me, good or bad, so might as well own them.

    I have a lot of things to say to my body, but mostly it's because I'm not as strong as I'd like to be. I guess I just need to get down and work harder.

    1. I hate those purple things! My feet and ankles are covered with them. Even my podiatrist things it's odd. She even said it had nothing to do with age! WTH?

  11. Your body is going to come around! It will heal. Gaining weight when you smell food...bahaha. I get that. Maybe we should wear clothespins on our nose. Those are the sweetest words! Sometimes the pushes wears thin though.

  12. When my inner skeptic rears her head, I think of what my 90-yr old self would say if she caught me ripping on myself. Um, freckles for the win.

    1. Ah yes, it's about perspective. I'm sure in 10-15 years I'll be wishing for this 50 something year old body. Mature freckles!

  13. I don't even feel old, but I've been yelling at my body to stop throwing me surprises for the past 3 years. This work injury I got, seriously made me realize I am not 20 anymore and I am not liking that aging makes recovery a little longer.
    A few months back, I told myself absolutely no more, I'm sick and tired of things not healing up as they should. I knock on wood quite often now, just in case, LOL
    Good luck in #40, that is so awesome!!!!!
    Truthfully, you are one of those women who seriously inspire me, and I really have enjoyed getting to know you through your blog and watching you as you've tackled so many awesome races. Cheers from me from afar this weekend for you!!!

    1. Oh thanks, Kristy. You are an inspiration to me! All of those marathons! Wow. I also think you have persevered through your injury with a positive attitude and such grace. I hope you can soon return to your marathon goals.

  14. Oh yes. But right now I"m actually grateful to my body (or maybe I should be grateful to myself for listening to my body) for letting me get to the start line of Big Sur. Yep, my foot still hurts but it's a whisper compared to a couple of weeks ago.

    Thanks for the inspiration to start pool running! If you hadn't done it for WDW, I don't know if I would have considered it!

    We're not old, we just have to adjust our training...

    1. Yeah Wendy, give that body some TLC! As for pool running, I just did what I had to do. Thankfully, it worked! I'm very grateful Marcia suggested it. Never in a million years did I think I would end up doing it for 10 weeks!

  15. Oh yeah, I look in that mirror and often wonder who that gray haired lady with the crepey skin and sagging jaw is.

    But you know what? In 20 years we'll wonder why we were complaining so much & thinking we really looked great then.

    You have had more than your fair share of injuries, though. :(

    1. Yep. It's all about perspective. I'll be wishing for this face and body in just a few short years! You see I didn't mention gray hair! That's because mine has been white since my early teens.

  16. It is easy to get frustrated with all these issues, but we forget how much we ask of our bodies. They hold up pretty well all things considered!

    1. Yep, they do hold up pretty well. I'm trying hard to remember to always appreciate it and take better care of it. Maybe it will do the same.

  17. Fun post! Yeah, all those things suddenly growing on my skin aren't so attractive either; but at least the doctor didn't find any new skin cancers on Wednesday!

    Thanks so much for linking up!

    1. I had a good visit recently at the dermatologist too. I'm always so relieved!


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