Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Use your imagination!  You’ve often heard it said
Otherwise your brain will atrophy, act dead
When it’s hard to think, to create, to explore
The best thing to do is head for that door
A run will set those creative thoughts free
Problems will be solved with so much energy
The birds will sing loud, announcing the day
The sunrise will capture magnificence at play
Nature’s beauty will help to clarify those thoughts
Give answers to the questions you’ve previously sought
Finally, it is time to run back toward home
To employ those imaginative thoughts while you roamed
But the one thought that is prominent when I am done?
I IMAGINE I’ll run again…tomorrow…for fun
I'm linking with my buddy Deb Runs for Wednesday Word.

Please visit Deb and the other participating bloggers.  It's fun!




  1. Very clever! I imagine we are going to have fun this weekend!

    1. Fun? No doubt my Sista Wendy
      It's time to set the HoLotta free

  2. Replies
    1. Awwww...shucks. I think my Mother read Green Eggs & Ham to me too many times!

  3. Replies
    1. A run sure does get the thought process going!

  4. LOVE LOVE LOVE this!! So creative and a wonderful use of imagination!!

    1. You are too sweet. I love channeling the great Dr. Seuss!

  5. OH dear
    sweet, funny HoHo,
    she's quite a poet
    (as we all know)

    More than that
    She also runs races
    with lots of fun people
    in lots of fun places

    Can you IMAGINE my delight
    at what's happening in November?
    Finally, I (yes, myself)
    will get to meet her!!!!

    1. Ooooohhhh....I LOVE it!

      Kimberly my friend, I cannot wait
      For Las Vegas baby, that is the date
      We will finally meet and have lots of fun
      I imagine it will NOT be a "just one and done"

  6. Thanks, Sista. Race day is shaping up to be very windy. Add that to hills and I imagine it will be challenging.

  7. Love it ! I imagine you and Wendy will have a blast this weekend! Stay safe! and have a #holottafun!

  8. I don't have to imagine that you & Wendy will have a marvelous time this weekend . . . I KNOW it (which kind of piggybacks on what I wrote).

    Safe travels & have a great weekend!

  9. I'm sure you and Wendy had a wonderful time at your half, and I can't wait to read all about it in your recap!

    Thanks for linking up, and with another of your epic poems! :-)


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