Sunday, May 20, 2018

Jubilation? (WW # 146)

Wendy and I host this linkup for
the sole purpose of supporting active women.


I decided to run the 40th anniversary Combat Cancer Jubilee 8k Saturday morning with proceeds going to the American Cancer Society.  My Mom was a two time cancer survivor; dying later in life of other complications.  Sadly, my brother did not survive his cancer diagnosis in his mid 50's.  

This was week one of marathon taper.  I did my usual pre-hab routine twice, cycled 65 minutes indoors for cross training, and ran 8 miles at marathon pace leading up to the 8k race.  I planned to save my longer 12 mile run for Sunday.  Or...maybe even Monday.

No...didn't feel like Wonder Woman!
I knew it would the hottest Jubilee 8k race I'd run and had zero goals of running a PR or anything close to one.  Although hilly, it would provide good incentive to attempt one last "speedier" training run before the marathon.  Because, let's be honest ladies, I need all the motivation I can find.  I'm tired of training in this heat and more than ready for the big day to arrive.

What was I thinking?  Although very appreciative of my health and the ability to run in honor of others in my family, the thick humidity and 150 foot climb in the first mile wore me out.  I took several walk breaks.  I did win my age group, but I'm pretty certain there weren't many ladies in it (if any).  I was delighted PoPo surprised me at the finish so we could eat breakfast at First Watch.  I love their lemon ricotta pancakes and that was my true reward for finishing.

With a busy week ahead, I set an early wake-up for Sunday morning.  Even with a 5:30 start time, I felt nauseous by mile 8 and stopped at 11.4 miles.   That was my last double digit run before the marathon. I am definitely jubilant about that.  It could not have come soon enough.  But, it will be hard not to stress over the tough training conditions I've had in the last few weeks and how that might affect my race. 

And that's a wrap!

Tell me some good diversions for the next two weeks!

Do you acclimate to heat and humidity?  I don't ever seem to.


  1. I am trying so hard to acclimate to this humidity! It seems really really difficult this year. Is that because winter just sucked this year?

    I'm sure that you will be ready for that marathon, no matter what. You've pushed through some seriously tough conditions. If it were me, I would probably still stress but try not to stress! Mother Nature is going to be friendly to you, I can feel it!

    1. I can't control the weather on race day, so I might as well let that stress go. I'll just focus on other stresses. LOL!

  2. I think everyone know how much I love the heat (and subsequent humidity), but I do appreciate a bit of an acclimation period. Well, none of that is my reality this year. We pretty much skipped spring and dove head-first into summer. I'm alright with it, though, because our winter was SOOOO long and frigid. Lemon ricotta pancakes???? OMG, those sound heavenly! I would think all of your hot weather training ought to work in you favor on race day (well, and are a badazz, so you got that going for you, too). I think you're in much better race-ready shape than you think ;-)

    1. It's hard to gauge where I'm at right now since I've been running in pure swamp muck water for weeks. Who knows what the drier air, altitude and downhill will do to my pace? I surely don't! I'll have to run by feel.

  3. Congrats again on that AG win! I have no doubt that running in the humidity is going to pay off for your marathon. You crushed your training and you are ready.

    1. These slower humidity runs are messing with my head. I hope I can find some speed on race day.

  4. Heat and humidity does a real number on me. Thankfully we don't get a lot of it up here. Although we have seemed to sail from winter right into summer (with a day of spring here & there thrown in).

    I find getting ready to travel always distracts me from prerace jitters! Works for my halfs, anyway.

    And I bet you're being too modest. I ran the smallest 5k I probably will ever run this past weekend and no, I did not win an AG award. Not even close!

    1. I looked at the results. There were only 5 people in my age group. I do appreciate any award, I just know I did not run my best that day. Oddly, when I do run my best -- I usually don't place.

  5. I almost had lemon ricotta pancakes today.

    Congrats on your AG award and for surviving all your long runs. I repeat...I could not train in your weather.

    1. I thought the timing of this marathon would have me finished with the long runs before it got too warm. I missed the mark on that one.

  6. I'd say you earned those pancakes! For a great cause as well. Your weather would do me in :)

    1. With the lemon curd, you don't need syrup. It's a good thing because I don't like syrup anyway!

  7. Congrats on your race and AG win! And nice job getting in your last long run. I'm sure its been tough running in those hot and humid conditions!

    1. It has. Runs that should feel easy at this point are a struggle due to the humidity. It messes with your mind. Now I don't know what to expect pace-wise on race day.

  8. Acclimating to the heat & humidity seem to be getting harder for me as I get older - sigh. I think you've done a great job with those temps! Congrats on your AG!

    1. The humidity doesn't seem to affect some people and that just intrigues me! I definitely have the can't-run-in-humidity gene.

  9. I have a hard time with heat and humidity too. I find that hot yoga classes help!

    1. Hot yoga and hot flashes. I'm not sure that would be a good combo, although I bet it feels great on the achy joints!

  10. Congrats on the AG win, that's awesome! The heat has really hit us here the last couple of weeks in Florida and it stinks. Gotta play the acclimate game as it's only going to get worse from here.

    Have a great marathon, sounds like you're ready for the big day!

    1. I do quite a bit of running in FL and the humidity is definitely worse there than here. So, kudos to you!

  11. I feel like acclimating to the heat and humidity means that you get used to running in it at the same level, not that after so many days, you can run a certain time. That's just not how it works; there's a reason why marathons in the South are held in Nov-March. But you had some great training runs and you ran a race for a good cause, and finished with a pancake breakfast (those pancakes look delicious). So you have tons to be proud of!

    1. I agree! We just get used to the suck, so to speak. There are zero races around here now. This was the last local race until...I'm not sure when. October?

  12. Congrats on winning in your AG! As tough as it is running in heat and humidity I'd take that any day over cold and wind.

    1. I don't like wind, but I do enjoy a frosty race temperature. I can breathe!

  13. Congratulations on the AG win! Very cool. Running in heat and humidity is so hard for me, but you're way more used to it than us Northerners! Wishing you all the luck!

    1. You'd think I'd be an expert at running in heat and humidity. For some odd reason, it doesn't work that way. I sure wish it did! LOL.

  14. Congrats on the AG win! Your humidity is WAY worse than ours so I don't even think I can comment on it. Today is was super humid for us. I know a lot of my friends bonked for their races today. It stinks because it was the complete opposite yesterday!

    1. I whine and complain every year until I just give in. Please humor me for a few more weeks. I'll get over it soon. LOL.

  15. Way to snag an AG despite the conditions! No I never truly acclimate to heat. I just drag. Cool mountain air is going to feel so good to you!

    1. I keep willing the weathers apps to show low 40s. I'm afraid I won't be that lucky. It's looks to be very warm by the end. But, without humidity maybe it won't feel too bad!

  16. WOW congrats on the win!! Keep them coming - you are rocking. And no, I never acclimate to the heat/humidity. I think that's because we have winter for 6 months it seems, and then it just hits summer - and no where as bad as what you have it here. Especially when running (and pregnant running!) the heat just wears me out.

    1. There is NO way I could run in the humidity while pregnant. It's hard enough now. My hat is off to you!

  17. Lemon ricotta pancakes sound fantastic and like the perfect reward!!

  18. Congrats on your AG win! We don't really have humidity here and the heat hasn't come yet (thank goodness) but when it does I try to get out as early as possible. I carry water on runs over 6 miles and I tried a neck gator...which I'm not sure will help in humidity or just make you feel sweatier. Good luck on your marathon!

    1. I've never tried a neck gator! But I'd be willing to try anything once.

  19. Congrats on another race and AG win! So tough with that humidity! I'm glad it's not bad over here. Those lemon ricotta pancakes sound like a terrific reward! Enjoy your taper!

    1. Humidity definitely keeps you humble. I'm not a big fan of pancakes (I don't like syrup) but I do love these!

  20. That post race meal looks good! Congrats on your AG win! The weather is just starting to get really warm here however during my half yesterday it was cool and raining - kinda a blessing in disguise!

    1. When it's extremely humid here, the rain actually helps cool the air and I don't mind that one bit. Just no lightning please.

  21. The pancakes look amazing. What a great way to treat yourself after the race. Congrats on the AG win. That's always a plus!

    1. My go-to treat is usually a Starbucks so this was a nice change of "pace".

  22. Congrat on the AG win! Personally I love the heat, but I'm a weirdo.

    1. I don't mind the heat as long as I'm in or on a body of water. Or a boat...

  23. Congrats on your AG win! I feel like I've acclimated really quickly to the humidity this year, more than other years. Of course, my asthma and allergies are also under much, much better control now than they were in previous years, so I believe that helps, too.

    1. I've often wondered if an inhaler would help me in the humidity. It just feels like I simply can't breathe!

  24. I am really struggling with my running right now. I cannot get used to the heat and humidity! And now I’m injured from trying a new workout. Go figure. Congratulations on your AG win!

    1. It just seem to start up with such a vengeance this year! Maybe after the tropical system move through, we will get a little break?

  25. Ugh, sorry to hear about the struggle with heat and humidity. I eventually get used to it meaning I'm not quite as miserable any more and slow way down. I love First Watch but I've never tried those pancakes. I'll have to add them to the list :)

    1. The pancakes are so good I can't make myself order anything else at First Watch. I do love tasting what my husband orders. It is always good too.

  26. Heat and humidity are so challenging! I don't ever seem to adapt.

    1. I'm in awe of people who seem to be able to adapt!

  27. It's always great when you can run a race for a cause near and near to your heart. Congrats on your AG win and tackling that course in the heat and humidity!

    1. Thinking about my deceased brother helped me push through this race when I wanted to just walk...and keep walking.

  28. I feel you on the nausea. That hit me like never before in Fort Lauderdale and I wasn't sure how to handle it. Ricotta pancakes though, <3. Good luck with your race!

    1. I go through the nausea thing every year. If I eat more before and during a humid run, it does seem better.

  29. I DON’T acclimate to the heat and humidity! I just get sick on those runs and then feel better when Fall and Winter arrive. Then I complain about the cold until the heat and humidity come back. HA! You deserve an award for being brave enough to race in those conditions! Yum. And those pancakes. <3

    1. I always complain a few weeks (or months) until I realize it's not going away and I need to suck it up. Hopefully, I'll be finished soon. LOL.

  30. Yum! Pancakes!

    I live in Florida, so I kind of NEED to acclimate. The last few runs feel like I'm barely even moving, which is daunting and frustrating, but it is what it is.

    I'm sorry your cycle has been so rough. you're going to do great, but I know it's hard not to dwell on the challenges along the way.

    1. Humidity is very humbling. It's hard to accept the slower paces.

  31. Good job on your race, and kudos to PoPo for surprising you at the finish line! I seem to acclimate to the heat and humidity better now than when I was younger which makes absolutely no sense at all, since I'm usually too hot or too cold.

    Thanks for the linkup!

    1. It's definitely easier to run in the cold air, in my opinion. Sadly I don't get much time doing that each year.

  32. I love First Watch's lemon ricotta pancakes! This humidity (and heat) feels more brutal than ever...perhaps it's because I'm still getting acclimated after a colder than usual spring, but running has been super hard. Good job getting out there in it - and winning a prize, to boot!

    1. Those pancakes are so good, I can't seem to order anything else. I'll eventually quite whining about the heat and humidity...I promise.

  33. Congrats on the race. I think I acclimate somewhat to heat...emphasis on the somewhat. Humidity, nope. I never acclimate.

    1. I really don't mind the heat and actually ran after work in it quite a few times during this training cycle. But wasn't humid either.

  34. First Watch's lemon ricotta pancakes are my favorite! I never seem to acclimate to heat and humidity either. It's really hitting me hard this year.

    1. I always say I'll order something else, but those pancakes are so good -- I just can't!

  35. Bleh. The heat and humidity is no fun - I have been running in a light, long sleeve top on the mornings. Even though I should still be wearing a tank top, the extra heat can help me acalamate a little faster since it is "cooler" in the morning. We'll see...the afternoon heat can really be hot!

    1. Nice tip on acclimating faster! I'll have to try that.

  36. Congrats on the 8k in the heat and yay for an AG group win! You showed up and that's what matters! That breakfast looks yummy! Enjoy the taper!

    1. Showing up is the number one component of winning an award!

  37. oooooooh those pancakes look yummy!!!! and gosh yes it is so hard to acclimate to the southern heat and humidity!!!hang in there-your training will pay off for your marathon!!!

    1. Some people think training in humidity is as close as you can get to altitude. I definitely think it is not the greatest substitute, but we'll see how it goes.

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