Sunday, September 30, 2018

Typical Summer Week (WW # 165)

Wendy and I host this linkup for
the sole purpose of supporting active women.
We thank you for linking your 


I said it last week; summer rages on.  Actually this post could have said one word:  Ditto.  Hot and humid running, waterskiing, even baseball...just a typical summer week, my friends.  [Except for my  fall-like college football Roll Tide!]
Running was okay/good this week.  My main focus has been on steady pacing.  The summer heat and humidity often find me taking excessive walk breaks.  The switch to consistent running needs to be flipped...both mentally and physically.   My brain keeps telling me it's time to stop!  Well yeah -- so do my legs.  But I'm working hard on that.  I ran three times this week for a total of 18.6 miles. 

All of my running pictures were blurry.  So,
I'll just post Wednesday's mailbox greeting.
After watching football for a while, late Saturday afternoon was spent doing this...
The conditions on the lake were ideal!

After running this morning, we've since been watching our favorite little baseball player in a local tournament.  As this goes live, they are still playing.  {Go Rays!}  He pitched in the second game and did an outstanding job.  He eats, sleeps and breathes baseball and plays almost year round.
I don't see much changing in the coming few weeks.  I'll continue to run at least three times, bumping up my mileage a bit each week and focusing on consistency.  I certainly don't plan to work on speed until I can catch a break in those early morning extreme dew points.  I have yet to sign up for any races, but have my eye on one or two late fall half marathons.   In this heat, I simply don't miss racing.  I expect that will change but only time will tell.

And that's a wrap on September!

Have you got your fall and winter races all planned out?
Are you still enjoying summertime activities?

Wrap It Up With Us!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. At least you got more time on the water!And baseball is a summer sport, right? (Always the optimist ...)

    1. My time on the water is the only saving grace for these oppressive summer days. What would I do without that? (EEK)

  2. Ha - yes, I'm finding it odd transitioning back to continuous running. There was some walking today but only on the really steep hill. And I'm not pleased your photos came out blurry but it's reassuring when I can't get good ones however hard I try sometimes!

    As to plans ... well, I've got a big question to make a decision on. A 31-mile long question!

    1. The humidity and early morning light always cause my pictures to be blurry. After a few attempts, I give up because I need to get in the shower and get to work! LOL.

  3. I really hope it cools down for you soon! I've noticed that running has felt so much better just from a slight drop in the temps. Hang in there- the tough runs will pay off soon!

    1. Yes, I think just a few degrees drop in the dew point will make a world of difference I'm not too concerned with the morning temperature -- it's not that bad.

  4. Sorry your heat/humidity is such an issue (still). We did a 180 this week, at least in terms of early morning temps....hello, Momma N? How about a bit of a transition, thank you very much LOL

    1. I don't think Momma N cares anything about transition. She just likes to get down to business. Ha!

  5. I had lots of walk breaks myself the past few months. I also need to make the switch back to more consistent running-it's hard!

    1. I've done that so much, it's very hard to stop. If I try to run a race that way, I'll be nothing but frustrated with myself.

  6. I'm already having FOMO seeing your skiing pictures. Glass half full, right? Still out there on the water....

    1. Yes, still out there on the water. As hot as it was this weekend, the water felt "different". It was weird. I think it will cool off soon.

  7. I don't mind racing either when it's gross out. I hope the fall weather we've had here in Chicago finds you soon!

    1. It's very frustrating to try and race in these conditions for me. I tell myself I can do it -- but I really can't.

  8. Love your mailbox pic tank, and the last skiing one is great.
    I hope you get some weather relief

    1. Thanks. It's an old Fila tank from Kohl's. It matches a lot of things I have. Fingers crossed for better weather.

  9. One of the reasons I started thinking of moving to Colorado was to have some fall weather. The heat was starting to get to me in Texas. I hope you start getting fall soon since tomorrow is October.

    1. Colorado is a favorite place to visit. I love snow skiing, hiking, dog sledding, and running there -- as long as it is just a half marathon. I won't attempt another full marathon at 10,000 feet of altitude. Just sayin'.

  10. Oh, that boat ride/water skiing looks like so much fun! I haven't water skied in years (probably decades), and I am so envious when I see yours and Wendy's posts!

    1. It's just like riding a bike! I'm sure you'd have no problem picking it back up.

  11. I wish I could share our lovely fall weather with you! It's been soooo nice this week. Cool, crisp and perfect! But you are making me miss summer with your skiing pic. Looks so lovely!

    1. Oh, me too! We don't get much "crisp" time around here but I plan to take advantage of it when we finally do.

  12. Summer came to an abrupt end here this week and I'm totally onboard with it. I hope it cools off for you. Running in heat/humidity is brutal. Yay for your little pitcher!

    1. Our little pitcher is doing very well! We are excited to see if that is what he sticks with.

  13. I'm a little jealous of your never-ending summer! How fun to still be water skiing at the end of September! Sounds like a fun filled week of supporting the family in their athletic endeavors :)

    Thanks for hosting the link-up!

    1. We don't get to watch all of his ballgames since he is currently on a travel team right now. But, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to watch him play locally. Literally, five minutes from our house.

  14. Well, it wasn't anywhere near as hot as you, bug there was a LOT of walking in my half today the last 2 miles. I neede some clouds!

    But this too shall pass, as will your summer, the world keeps turning. . . We keep see sawing between fall & summer. I'm ready for fall! But not winter.

    1. You are so correct. The world keeps turning whether I whine about the weather or not. LOL. I tried so hard -- but it's just lasting way too long at this point.

  15. Hopefully you'll get some Fall weather before you know it, or at least a dew point that feels more comfortable!

    1. It is all about the dew point. If it will come down just 2-3 points, I'll be one happy runner.

  16. Ugh - doesn't your weather know it's October? I can understand why you want to wait for the racing bug to bite before you register for any fall races. Meanwhile, our mountains got a couple dustings of snow this week, so fall is almost over - maybe it heads south once it's done here?

    1. Snow? That is so hard to compute. The Gulf of Mexico keeps us socked in with humidity for about 8 months of the year. I have to take full advantage of our winters!

  17. I always have my schedule planned out! It's currently planned through spring 2019! I actually did my first fall race of 2018 this past weekend...I'll have a recap soon but it went well so I was pleased! I love your lake adventures...looks so fun!

    1. As I've gotten older, I don't race nearly as much as I used to. I'm not sure why that is. There were years I raced in excess of 40 races (of varying distances).

  18. OMG summer is never going to end. Neverrrrrrr! It was 98 degrees at the football game this afternoon, or so they reported. I was inside my living room with the a/c blasting LOL.

    My schedule is still up in the air. I did just sign up for a San Francisco 5K today, so that's kind of exciting.

    So glad you were able to get some time out on the lake!

    1. I think the weather in San Fran will be very pleasing! I stayed indoors in the A/C more than usual this weekend.

  19. I need to sign up for some fun fall races! The weather is finally feeling consistently fall-like and it makes running wonderful!

    1. I need to sign up for some Fall races too! Maybe it would give me some lacking motivation.

  20. I hear you on the excessive walk break thing in the summer heat/humidity. I feel like my 10-miler yesterday was filled with that. Ugh. I'm ready for fall! And yes, I've got my fall/winter races all lined up.

    1. I need to work on my racing calendar! It's just hard to find the motivation in this heat.

  21. I hear you on the heat. Yesterday was our first sub-100 day in about four months! And the humidity is back! I guess someday it will end and well be complaining about the cold, right?

    1. I think our triple heat indexes are over, finally. Now the humidity needs to pack up and leave!

  22. That's great that you got some more time water skiing :) We finally had some nice Fall like weather this past weekend and we really enjoyed it. I just registered yesterday for my October race so I guess that's finalized now, but things past that are still up in the air.

    1. I'm eyeing some November events. I doubt I'll do anything in October, but you never know. Maybe if it cools off enough.

  23. You had an awesome week and I bet the time on the water was so much fun! I'm still working on recovery from PF so I don't see myself really out there running for a while...but at least we don't have the awful humidity that you have, ugh!

    I'm going to be doing Rock 'n Roll Savannah at the beginning of November but otherwise probably keeping it local and hopefully running around the neighborhood later this fall and into winter!

    1. I've always wanted to run in Savannah! I'm afraid it would be pretty warm still in November though.

  24. We had out last boating day yesterday....SO SAD!!!!

    Our weather is on e day and cold the next.

    I love summer because of the longer days but I like consistency. I have no clue what to wear.

    And I too try to run at least 3 times a week...sometimes 4 if I am lucky.

    1. I think our boating days are over too. The weather isn't favorable for this weekend and it will finally be cooling off after that.

  25. I just cut my two early October races out of my calendar due to scheduling conflicts so now I'm open until two 5K's (Thanksgiving morning and early December).

    Good luck to your little baseballer. I had one like that (son not grandson). At four, he taught himself to read the names of the MLB teams so he could read the box scores. :-)

    Thanks for the linkup!

    1. What a clever little fellow you had. I bet he still loves baseball too!

  26. My summertime activités have revolved completely around running so ... yes, now that the weather is a touch cooler, I'm actually ENJOYING them. lol I hope you catch some relief soon.

    That shot of you on the lake is incredible!

    I've got my race in 2 weeks and then....I have no major plans, except for recovering after oral surgery and then spending more time at CrossFit. Not sure when I'll sign up for another race (which will most likely NOT be marathon distance or farther).

    1. Oh my! I need oral surgery. In fact, I should have had it this past spring but put it off to resolve some other issues first. Now I'm just waiting on the start of a new insurance year. LOL.

  27. Walk breaks were the only way I survived this summer. I would so like to return to steady running, but my hammy seems to have other plans. I hope you catch a break on this weather soon - it's finally feeling like fall around here and I'm giddy about it.

    1. Yeah, my hip may have other plans too. All we can do it take it one day, one run at the time!

  28. I am an avid fan of the run/walk method. There are so many reasons why people utilize walk breaks during their runs and there's absolutely nothing wrong with doing so. But I can also understand the desire to not have to take them.

    1. Yes, the run/walk method is a wonderful approach! I just don't like the excessive/unscheduled walking I've been forced to do all summer.

  29. Gaborone is very, very dry. It gets hot but its rarely humid. But this weekend I did a trail race in South Africa where it was very hot but also humid. I really struggled. It was quite a battle getting to the end. So I can't imagine having to endure such conditions on a more regular basis. Hope it cools down soon.

    1. On the bright side, we have very mild winters. Snow or ice is rare. I won't have anything to complain about over the winter. LOL.

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