Wednesday, April 22, 2015

It's Rewarding

I'm linking up with Deb @ Deb Runs for the Wednesday Word.

Please visit Deb and the other participating bloggers.  It's fun!

What I Find Rewarding:

  • The acute Monday body aches from water skiing too much over the weekend or plowing through the downhill section of a tough half marathon.  It's the satisfaction of knowing you pushed your body to its limits.

  • The surprise race announcement that you've been awarded with a silly, but oh so meaningful, medal or trophy.  It is that much sweeter if you struggled during the race.

  • Hitting your paces during your speed work sessions, especially when it's wickedly humid and you are completely soaked, can't breathe, and think you might just keel over. 

  • Leaving your shoes outside on the porch and hanging up your running clothes to dry because they are so drenched with sweat they will mold if you don't.

  • Pulling up the weeds, trimming the bushes and flowers, picking up the fallen limbs and pine cones, raking the pine straw and leaves, and then turning to look back across the yard.   Ahhhh...

  • Having my husband tell me, "That was better than any restaurant meal you can buy, anywhere".

  • Having my kids say "Thank you, Mom" after doing some little something I didn't even give much thought to.

  • Hearing my grandson say, "I want to go to HoHo's house".

What do you find rewarding?


  1. Oh, these are so sweet. I'm not big on gardening, but I do enjoy it when I've got pretty flowers in my flower pots!

    1. I do flowers in pots too! I'm not very successful with them in the ground.

  2. These are all great!! And I can't wait until it warms up enough to go waterskiing!

    1. It won't be but a few weeks until I'm at the lake. Yippee.

  3. These are all great things. Don't you feel thankful for being able to experience those? It's the little things for sure. I also love when my husband calls one of my meals "restaurant quality"!

    1. I tend to focus on the little things anyway. I have to say he grills awesome steaks, better than any restaurant.

  4. You mention so many rewarding things! I haven't water skied in about 32 years so my reward might be a dislocated shoulder, but I would love to have the opportunity to try it again.

    Thank you for linking up!

    1. LOL. I hate to admit I pulled a muscle in my rear about 2 years ago. My first skiing injury ever.

  5. Dang what a nice hubby you have! I find climbing out of the pool after 6am master's swim alive! rewarding. .

    1. I thinking it would be rewarding for me just to GET in the pool. Ha.

  6. Super nice things for sure!! I do love when my husband or boys tell me that I could be on a cooking contest (I couldn't but....) - very rewarding!

    1. I certainly couldn't be in a contest, but I have a select few things they really like. The older I get, the more I really don't enjoy cooking!

  7. So sweet about your husband, kids, & grandson! These are great examples of how wonderful the feeling is after a hard effort!

    1. You know, I think expect to feel rewarded after something BIG. But, it's the little things that take you by surprise that mean the most.

  8. Well, I didn't say I was good at it. LOL. That comment is usually reserved for something like beef roast and mashed potatoes. I'm STILL sore from that half on Sunday.

  9. Loved reading what you find rewarding! It sometimes is in the little things! Gosh I can't remember the last time I went skiing! I think getting through a tough workout or race is so rewarding. I've got one for ya I find just sitting outside with my chickens and their babies are rewarding for me ;) Some I have raised other they have raised. Hope you have a great day!

    1. I hear ya! Just swinging with my dogs and looking at my yard is rewarding for me.

  10. Such a fun post idea, these are great! Sometimes the best thing we can do is look at our lives and remind ourselves how fortunate we are!!!


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