Sunday, June 12, 2016

Coastal (WW # 45)

Welcome to the Weekly Wrap!

This linkup is hosted by yours truly and my good friend Tricia at MissSippiPiddlin.    The purpose of this link is to connect with and support other active women. You can summarize your whole week or just a small portion of it.  It's up to you!  Race recaps are also encouraged!  {See rules}   

We are thrilled that we continue to have a record number of linkers each week.  Thank You!  The support and camaraderie are truly priceless.  Please return later in the week and interact with more women.   It's an excellent way to make new friends and gain invaluable support, all while holding yourself accountable!  Don't forget to comment on each blog that you read and remember to support your hosts.  


Monday -- Ran 4 miles + Strength
Tuesday -- Brick: Cycled 20  / Ran 1
Wednesday -- Ran 5 miles
Thursday -- Cycled 10 miles + Strength
Friday -- Rest Day
Saturday -- Brick: Cycled 13 / Ran 2
Sunday -- Swam 30 minutes

Four Miles Progressive as TS Colin Moved Out

We were on the coast this week.  I had a fairly strong week of workouts regardless.  Monday we contended with dear ol' Tropical Storm Colin.  I did manage to go for a late afternoon run. Mmm...steamy.  Once Colin was gone, the rest of the week was gorgeous -- but oh so hot and humid.

The remainder of the week looked like this!

I took my bike on this trip and enjoyed cycling and getting my brick workouts in at Conservation Park. It's a natural wooded preserve with both paved and unpaved trails.  There are also several long boardwalks which are always fun to run on. I noticed at 8:00 one morning, the feel like temperature was already 90. No wind.  That's all I'll say about that. 

We had a blast deep sea fishing Thursday on the Southern Hooker {best name for a fishing boat ever!}. Of course we couldn't resist the "Rode The Hooker" t-shirts. We caught our Red Snapper limit plus King Mackerel and Beeliners (also a type of snapper) for a total of 80 pounds.  A great haul. We will be eating fresh seafood for a while.

Fishing with my Fellas.

A nice catch!

Our youngest son agreed to go parasailing with me.  I owed him an adventure as he missed out on the helicopter ride earlier this year.  We had a fantastic time and it was not nearly as scary as I had built it up in my mind to be.  We opted for the 800-feet-of-line, one-dip-in-the-ocean experience.

We did the usual daily beach bumming, nightly Putt-Putt competitions, and seafood consumption.  I ate my favorite Oysters Rockefeller three times. Three!  Just don't ask about the ice cream indulgences. 😉

And that's a wrap!

Do you like to stay active on your vacation?

Have you been deep sea fishing?   Parasailing?


  1. Wow, lots of adventure this week. I have a fascination with large fish and would love to take my husband on a deep sea fishing charter someday!
    That conservation trail sounds lovely!

    1. Yes, try the deep sea fishing! It's well worth the money. The conservation trail was nice but extra hot as it was inland and had none of the coastal breeze.

  2. Never been any type of fishing -- Mr. Judy has (and has a memorable tale of his mom getting a hook in her hand deep sea fishing). And obviously not parasailing either, as we discussed.

    Sounds like a great vacation! I don't envy you your temps, but boy I envy you your beach time. I do like to stay active on vacation -- usually -- but I don't deal well with hot & humid. At all.

    1. The beach was awesome after the storm as was the water. It was crystal clear. We played a lot of Frisbee in the water this trip.

  3. I feel like staying active on vacation is so much easier than at home sometimes! Always so much to see and do!

    1. In my case, there's more time since I don't have to rush off to work! So I end up doing more than I normally would. It helps alleviate the guilt of the vacation food too.

  4. Glad the weather cleared up for you! Looks like a great week- Im sure that the weather there makes running feel extra hard!

    1. Yes, it was so hot so early in the day! I was having some seriously talks with myself during these runs. I don't know HOW I'm going to train for a marathon this summer.

  5. I've never been deep sea fishing (or fishing at all) or parasailing, but parasailing looks like it was amazing! I'm glad Collin didn't put TOO bad of a damper on the fun; we got some rain from it here too but not terrible. Looks like you had some good workouts as well!

    1. Parasailing is not nearly as scary as I thought it would be. It's still very thrilling though. There is a beautiful view up there!

  6. My mom is trying to convince me to do some parasailing with her and my sons when we go to the FL Keys this summer. I never really thought about it before. Looks like a beautiful week once the weather cleared, glad to see you got the bike out :)

    1. You need to try parasailing! It will not disappoint. I'm enjoying my bike right now. Riding is so much cooler than running.

  7. OH wow! Way to stay active while on vacation! I've been deep sea fishing and parasailing but only when I was in my teens. What I remember most about deep sea fishing was my great aunt getting seasick and some guy catching the biggest catch of the day at the same spot she got sick in

    1. Thankfully, we had only light chop that day. Nobody felt sick. Our captain wouldn't let us stay in any once place very long. If we weren't catching immediately, he went on to the next spot.

  8. Sounds like a great vacation week! Glad the weather cleared for you. You racked up some nice mileage on your bike!

    1. I really enjoyed my cycling on this trip. It's more bearable than running in the heat and humidity. The preserve was a nice place to explore.

  9. Looks like an awesome vacation! We got a little bit of Colin where I live as well, and then the rest of the week was steamy. I was deep sea fishing when I was a teenager and it was fun! Haven't tried parasailing (yet).

    1. Thankfully, Colin was just a nuisance where we were. I think there was mild flooding in spots. We chose the perfect day to fish which makes it even that much better!

  10. Oh man! I love fresh fish and I just showed that picture of your haul to my husband. He was very impressed!

    We're having Florida type weather here too. It was 96 on Friday!

    1. We grilled some of the mackerel tonight and it was superb. They told us we couldn't freeze the mackerel so I guess we will eat it all week. We can freeze both snappers. I'm trying very hard not to complain about the heat and humidity. But, it's so bad it's nauseating.

  11. What a beautiful view, I know you don't ever tire from seeing it! Do you get sea sick ever or do you take meds for it just in case? It's been so long since I've been but I think I remember take it just in case! I would so do the parasailing though I bet it was fun and the dip in the ocean oh wow cool! How it is already Sunday night? Geeze!

    1. I've never been sea sick. Remember, PoPo is my normal boat driver. So, I'm used to hard, full-throttle boat riding. I took meds on this trip since it had been a while since I've been at sea. It was so calm, I didn't need it. None of my crew felt sick.

  12. Sounds like a perfect vacation to me. Well, maybe without the storm and with a bit of a breeze. I enjoyed parasailing when I tried it with my son, as long as I looked off in the distance and not right below!

    1. A little breeze and a little less humidity would have been ideal. During parasailing, there was an optical illusion when looking down at the water. It didn't seem we were that far from it. But, I knew we were. A helicopter flew to our side, but also way beneath us.

  13. OMG I can't believe you parasailed! I've always thought this looked like fun but I've been too scared to try it. :) Nice work on the bricks! Biking and running after is tough! :) Sounds like you had a lovely vacation. And ice cream is fair game every. darn. day. when you're on vacation! :)

    1. It's one of those things I've always wanted to do. I worked up my courage in Jamaica so we walked down to the place on the beach where the boats were. Then, they told us they had just closed! It's a nice "steady" ride, nothing like the scary experience I thought it would be.

  14. Looks like you had a great vacation! I love parasailing! I've been twice and it's so much fun! Your beach picture is absolutely gorgeous! I think it's important to stay active on vacation. I always feel better when I do. But, I also like being lazy too! That's what vacation is for! I have never been deep sea fishing, but it's something that the hubby really wants to try, so I'm sure we will sometime.

    1. Oh, for a few hours every day I was the laziest person on earth. Seriously just a slug in a beach chair. I had the best of both worlds. Yes -- try the deep sea fishing. Your husband would go nuts over it.

  15. Sounds like a fun week! I've always wanted to go parasailing.

  16. Parasailing is on my bucket list!! I envy your week at the beach....the oysters, not so much LOL

    1. I disliked oysters until a few years ago. Raw is still not my favorite but I can eat them that way. Baked with spinach and cheese? YUMMY.

  17. Parasailing looks so fun! I'm glad that Colin cleared up for you to have some adventures. I like active vacations as well, or even just doing a lot of walking to see a city. Oysters are a favorite seafood of mine too!

    1. I agree. It's fun to explore a big city by walking around.

  18. Sounds like the week was great, the beach picture is gorgeous. I don't think I would try parasailing. I am not one for heights ! When are you going to start training for Chicago ? What plan are you going to use ? In the meantime, take advantage of those cross training sessions !

    1. I'm not that fond of heights either but oddly it didn't feel high. It honestly felt like water skiing in the air.

  19. What a fun week! Parasailing would be way out of my comfort zone but you clearly have an adventurous streak. Your training went great even though you were on vacation. Summer training is difficult with the heat, but then fall comes and we are ready to race!

    1. If I can survive this summer heat, I'll be ready come fall!

  20. Wow! I have never been deep-sea fishing or parasailing, but they look incredible! I do love staying active on vacation when I can.

    1. I enjoyed both activities. You deep so sea fish much longer than parasail though.

  21. I've enjoying hearing about your vacations! I went parasailing a few years ago, I loved it! Glad you two had a good time up there! And that's so cool that you got so much fish, I've never gone deep sea fishing! Great job on all your workouts!

    1. We'll be eating fish for months. So far, it's been delicious on the grill.

  22. Definitely a great and fun week for you! I just started marathon training for my marathon in October so that i show I stay active. I also try to do TRX twice a week. No parasailing nor deep sea fishing for me.

    1. I;ll start training next month for my October marathon. I hope I can survive the summer heat.

  23. What a fun vacay and good for you for keeping up with your workouts! Those bricks are gonna pay off in spades for you. :D I've been afraid to parasail. Good to know it's not as scary as it seems. Thanks for the linkup!

    1. Those bricks have yet to feel any easier. It's so hot by the time I get to them. Ugh.

  24. Sounds like a lot of fun. It's hot and humid here too, but I don't know if it's due to Colin or not. That's working backwards, but hurricanes do that. It was incredibly sticky yesterday and this morning.

    1. Hot and humid is just a southern thing that is here to stay for a long while. I'm glad Colin didn't hang around very long.

  25. Sounds like you guys had a blast. I don't normally "workout" on vacation since I get so few "vacations", but always manage to stay busy.

    1. This was the first time I've taken my bike. I believe I will make a habit of that. I don't have trails here anyway.

  26. Sounds like you had a great vacation! I am all about nightly putt-putt on vacation. I went parasailing in the Bahamas and it was incredible. I hope you like fish! :P

    1. Our family is so competitive with Putt-Putt. Our youngest won most of the games on this trip. It's very hard to beat my husband so he was thrilled.

  27. I've never been deep sea fishing. Although I've been fishing my fair share of other places. I get bored easily, so it's not my favorite. But I LOVE the end result of a successful day. Fresh seafood is my favorite! Y'all had quite the haul!

    Biking is usually my exercise of choice when it's hot, humid & NOT windy, 'cause I sort of make my own wind. But that being said, it really is just the lesser of the evils. So, big props for getting so many workouts in!!!

    1. They didn't let us get bored fishing. If we didn't get bites within a minute or two, the captain whisked us off to the next location. It was very fast paced. I love to bike when it's hot.

  28. Sounds like you had a fun week while on vacation. And it looks like you had some great weather too, which makes it so easy to want to be active, even when away.

    1. I was going stir crazy Monday when it rained all day. Usually we'll go see a movie or something, but there just was nothing worth watching.

  29. This looks like a great trip, especially the parasailing! I've never done that but it's on my list.

    1. You must try it! It is not nearly the traumatic experience I expected it to be.

  30. Oh my goodness, your pictures! SO STUNNING. 80 lbs of seafood is enough to feed a small army! LOL at the Southern Hooker name. I went parasailing once, and it is incredible. Love having such a beautiful view of the water from up above, yes? Conservation Park sounds spectacular. There's something about boardwalks that is so magical.

    1. The view was spectacular from above. There is no other color like the emerald coast of the FL panhandle. Spot on with the Southern Hooker name.

  31. ahhhhh....look at the beach!!

    All of you pictures are so pretty!

    Wowsers that is a lot of fish!!

    I love parasailing!

    I do love to be active during vacation. The 1st couple days is all lounging and relaxation but then, I am up an about. For Costa Rica, I have planned, yoga, horse back riding and hiking, and paddle boarding.

    Enjoy your week!

    1. I'd love to go to Costa Rica! Horseback riding will be fantastic there.

  32. What a beautiful shot of the beach! Sounds like lots of fun, with the fishing and parasailing!

    1. We've been to several tropical locations and honestly so far the FL panhandle has had the most beautiful beaches.

  33. Wow! It is hot there! It's cooled down over here. Great job staying active on vacation! Parasailing looks so fun!

    1. It's almost unbearable. I don't know how I'm going to train for Chicago.

  34. What a well-rounded week and I love the beach photo. I've never been deep sea fishing. I'm not sure if I'd like it or not. I like being on a boat and I think fishing is ok... but I might get bored. ;) We're trying to figure out our next vacation. Looking for nature and plenty of opportunities for hiking, swimming, and running. Have a great week!

    1. Believe it or not, the fishing was fast paced. It the finish didn't bite with a minute, the captain took off full speed to the next location. I definitely didn't get bored.

  35. Love boardwalks! The preserve sounds nice! Sounds like a fun week! Looks like you got quite the catch of fish and how fun to go parasailing!!

    1. We'll be eating fish for months. It's been great cooked on the grill. Parasailing was quite an adventure.

  36. You do love you some water sports! I always see people parasailing. Looks fun but definitely too high in the sky for me. That picture is so cute of you and your guys - you're so tiny but apparently quite the fisherwoman. Nothing better than fresh seafood. My husband and father used to go salmon fishing in Alaska and now that they don't do that anymore, I can barely eat salmon - it's just not the same. Your beach is beautiful. Enjoy the week ahead!!

    1. I'm not tiny Diane, all of my fellas are very tall. I didn't catch a really big fish like the guys. I'm not sure I could have reeled it in.

  37. WOW! What a fun week! I bet you will love all that fresh seafood for awhile- congrats on the successful fishing trip! I loved parasailing when I went such a fun experience! Have a great week!

    1. The fish has been excellent on the grill! Parasailing is wonderful, although a very short ride compared to other adventures.

  38. That looks like such a fantastic week! I'm jealous of the fresh fish!

    1. It was a lot of fun catching those fish. Eating them has been a treat too!

  39. Looks like you had a great week. The beach photo looks perfect. Glad the storm cleared up and allowed you to enjoy your week.

    1. I was relieve Colin didn't hang around but one day. The water was fantastic on this trip.

  40. Huge kudos for getting in all those workouts while on vacation! That's one of my biggest challenges. Parasailing seems so scary to me. But then water is scary for me, and heights are scary for me, so parasailing sounds especially scary! Glad to hear it wasn't that bad!

    1. I usually run when we are at the beach (before everyone else gets up) but this time I enjoyed cycling too. I guess you wouldn't enjoy the parasailing "dip" in the ocean. But, you can tell them not to do that if you want.

  41. Parasailing looks a little bit scary to me! Not gonna lie!! I'm sure it's fun though! I love riding on boardwalks, there's a park nearby that has some through some marsh and it's so pretty!

    1. This park had natural marshes and small lakes. It was very pretty. I did see small snake though.

  42. Looks like a great trip! Your deep sea fishing trip was a huge success. That's a lot of fish! I went parasailing twice when I was younger (once with Mom and once with Dad). I would probably be a nervous wreck now. I worry a lot more about what could go wrong now a days.

    1. The only thing that unsettled me a bit (and my son) was the noise the metal carabiners made rubbing together. You have them on your harness and they are clipped into the ones on the parachute. EEK.

  43. Ugh, the heat! I'm so over it and it's only June LOL. And I love Oysters Rockefeller. It's the only way I'm willing to eat oysters.

    1. I can't resist spinach and cheese! I will eat a raw one or two, but that's not my favorite way to eat an oyster.

  44. i went parasailing as a kid and the picture i got from it is hilarious; pure terror and excitement on my face. i would love to do it again.

    1. I'm sure if I had a close up, there would be terror on my face too!

  45. My husband went parasailing on our honeymoon - I was too scared to go, and I think I'm still a nervous nelly when it comes to that, LOL! So cool that you and your son had that adventure!

    1. I don't think I could ever get my husband to do it. He has his limits.

  46. Parasailing looks so fun. I wish I had done it when I had the chance in the Bahamas. But I was with my parents when I was a teenager and they were worried so I wasn't allowed. Whomp whomp.

    1. I tried to go in Jamaica years ago and they closed right as we walked up. The Bahamas would have been very cool!

  47. I love an active vacation! Usually our "vacations" are planned around races anyway, so they are active by default. It looks like you had a wonderful time! We live on the gulf coast and love to go out on the boat, but rarely fish. I've been deep sea fishing once and it was really fun! I'd like to go again. I've never been parasailing, but would like to do that as well!

    1. I like an activity every day, plus some down time. The best of both worlds! We go out on the lake all the time, but it is a rare treat to go deep sea fishing.

  48. What an ADVENTUROUS week! My husband would be jealous if he sees all the fish you caught. He goes fishing on his kayak but hasn't been successful with catching any. It would be fun to go deep-sea fishing - only have done it once while I was on highschool spring break trip. I caught the biggest fish and won a pool of money! My husband and I also went parasailing on our honeymoon which was exciting.
    Ugh, running in the heat, but you got it done!

    1. We have certainly been enjoying all the grilled fish. How fun to have caught the biggest fish and win the pool of money!

  49. It sounds like you had a great vacation! Bill and I went parasailing a couple of years ago and had so much fun! I'm glad you talked your son into going with you. We usually have a few chores to do when we're at the beach house, and we always stay active. Of course, we also know how to plop on the sofa and read the day away, too!

    Thanks for the linkup!

    1. No matter what else we have going on, we tend to plop ourselves in beach chairs for a few hours every afternoon. The best of both worlds!

  50. oh my-you look like you are having a great vacation! I went parasailing once in the Cayman Islands back in high school

  51. I do like to stay active on vacation but I'm not as exciting as you are! Parasailing?! How fun!!!

    1. It took me a few years to finally work up the courage and say "I'm doing this!"

  52. You've met me an know I'm not tiny. Being next to them will do that to you. I should have all my pictures made with them. LOL. I'm in survival mode too and not fairing very well. I've got to get my mileage up.

  53. I don't seem to be able to take my bike along with me on vacation but I do love running and biking in new places. Looks like you had a great week!

    1. Luckily, this is just a short drive from home. I was so glad to take my bike on this trip. I never took my old one -- it never dawned on me!

  54. Great week despite being out of town and having to deal with the heat and humidity! Conservation Park sounds like a really cool place to work out. I was laughing out loud at the name of that fishing vessel - I'll bet they sell a lot of t-shirts!

    1. Yes, we bought the last PINK (men's) t-shirt. They said it was their best selling color. LOL.

  55. First of all, nice bike! I love cycling as well and do it as much as I can. Second, I LOVE working out on vacation.. I kind of view that as part of the vacation: extra time to stay active. ;-) And any that I can bring my bike along, is an extra plus!

    1. I find there is more time to workout on vacation as you don't have to rush off to work. So, I tend to do more than normal. My crew usually sleeps late anyway.

  56. Looks like the perfect spot to spend the week. May have been warm, but at least there is a place to cool off need be. Glad you enjoyed!!

    1. The FL panhandle is a wonderful area to visit!


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