Friday, September 27, 2019



Well here I am dusting the cobwebs off the corners of my blog [achhoooo!].  As the month winds down it's time to join with my buddy Marcia and come clean with a healthy dose of Runfessions.

The Backpack Buddy 5k

We called it:   The Wine Buddy 5k

I runfess...

For a recent girls weekend, I selected The Backpack Buddy 5k race solely based on it's proximity to several wineries.  It sounded like a great way to celebrate Wendy's birthday.  But now it begs the question...what superhuman species can do these wine tours?   We wimped out after two wineries.  By then, we had already sampled 18 wines. 
Corbin Farms Winery -- Our First Stop
I runfess...

As evidenced by my slowest time at a 5k since 2010, I apparently have not benefitted from running the steep roads around our new home.  I can only go a half mile before encountering hills so sharply graded I must walk to avoid injury.  I turn around and continually loop the rolling hills in that half mile section -- which are tough enough by their own merit.  Even without the big hills, a short 3 mile run produces an elevation gain of over 200 feet.   Ouch.  It looks like I need to drive to a better route...the thing I've always avoided doing in the past.

Toothless, as usual...with a newly added chicken wing.
I runfess...
Speaking of home, I could tell quite a few rural critter stories.  And bad dog stories.  But oddly enough, while out running I've only seen armadillos, tortoises, snakes, and spiders.  Those spiders will drape from anything that doesn't move.  I named the gigantic banana spider living on our deck Chiquita.  We allow her to hang out as she catches other flying insects.  I've made my peace with it as she never moves from her high perch during daylight.  Her overnight web building is intricate and beautiful.  I'm not sure my recent house guests were impressed, however.   But I runfess, I haven't pointed her out to the grandkids.
Meet Chiquita
I runfess...
I'm starting a not-so-fashionable trend by wearing triathlon shorts for waterskiing.  I started this back in the Spring when the water was still a bit cool.  I later realized I just don't feel like putting on a swimsuit at sunset -- when most of my skiing is done.  Seriously, what's the point?  Plus their light compression helps to reduce body jiggling. 
No jiggling for the win!
I runfess...
I've been very whiny in regard to our record setting heat.  For weeks (months?) it has been relentless.  We've hit 100 actual degrees on the thermometer so many days this summer that I gave up counting them.  My motivation to train seriously is lagging.  But I'm eyeing a December half marathon and possibly even a full marathon in the Spring so I need it to cool off.  SOON.  Sadly, we are forecasted for more record heat.  But, that also means I'll water ski later into the year than I ever have before.  Sweet.

What do you have to Runfess?


  1. Welcome back! So sorry that it's been so hot there recently. I hope that you get some relief from that soon.

    1. We (deep south southerners) have all got our fingers crossed for two weeks out! We are supposed to be under 90 then. WHOOT.

  2. Nice to hear from you! Yup, spiders in TX were pretty epic, too.

    Hills are easy to find here, flat not so much. Although we do have the rail trails, which we run on a lot, most of them are relatively flat (until you hit the monster hills, LOL).

    Well, of course you're supposed to spit out the wine after you taste it. :)

    1. Ha! We did actually spit out the ones that were "bad". But most were not...

  3. Nice to have you back!!! I have been such a whiner all summer about the heat. I find it so much harder as I've gotten older. I like the idea of tri shorts for skiiing-why not?! I totally tapped out at the wine tasting we did in Napa. I think I may have also fallen asleep on a friend's shoulder at one point :)

    1. You are fooled into thinking those teeny tiny sips are innocuous. I guess they add up after a while!

  4. No jiggly. The tri shorts make you look like a pro!

    I can't believe it was last week that we were having all the fun! When can we do it again?

    1. The pros all rock the itsy bitsy bikini. Sigh. Let’s start planning the next Camp HoHo!

  5. Aww I'm honored you joined us in the Runfessional! Winery tours sound great in theory but this total lightweight would be blotto pretty early on, I'm afraid. I give the tri shorts two thumbs up for skiing. Why not? I'm ticked I didn't sign up for the Chicago tri this year since they ended up cancelling the swim due to rough water.
    We have no plans to drive to Atlanta, otherwise I'd for sure be happy to act as a courier for you.

    1. Runfessions has always been the best link! I’m so happy your daughter likes college life in Atlanta. My BIL went to GT.

  6. Great to see you!! We had record temps this summer, as well, but I respect our record temps aren't quite in line with yours ;-) I have never even attempted to water ski, but those tri shorts sound like a solid idea.

    1. You should try water skiing if you ever get the chance. I pull my DIL and a son’s girlfriend on two skis (which is a bit easier). They really enjoy it too.

  7. It's so great to hear from you! That spider is impressive! I have made peace with the spiders in our basement, but it seems they don't eat all the other creepy crawlies down there. I did a winery tour once and had to pace myself for sure. These days, I don't think I'd make it past the first one. I think the tri shorts are a great idea for waterskiing -- you don't have to worry about losing your bottoms!

    1. Chiquita is an easy pet to have. LOL. The first thing we do when skiing is adjust our bottoms when we come out of the water. The strong water pressure of that start has it all askew. With tri shorts...not an issue.

  8. Hello!! Lovely to see you here. Sorry about the gradients near your home, that sounds tough if they're steep enough to be dangerous!

    1. I keep plugging along, even though I feel I'm just learning to run slower...

  9. Glad to see you back. Chiquita is cute! We used to have a big spider that loved building a web from the porch to mom & dad's van. We never saw it again after we donated the van - hope she didn't get donated.
    Yikes on the dangerous hills.

    1. Ha! The new owners of the van probably got a big surprise.

  10. So great to hear from you! I give you credit I'm such a bug phobe that I don't think I could make peace with Chiquita hanging out LOL! And, I agree - I don't know who makes it through those winery tours. Sounds like you all made a pretty good run at it ;)

    1. I'm pretty good not to complete freak out over bugs. The most irritating pests are the huge horse flies. They bite through clothing! OUCH.


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