Friday, May 31, 2019

Let's Chat!

Welcome to Coffee Talk!

Hi, there!  I'm still around and I'm so glad we could get together for coffee today.    It's been a while so there is a lot to talk about and Runfess to.  Let's chat for a few minutes.

I moved

I now live on a lake, deep in the woods.  Rural, nay Deliverance-esque, to say the least.  The banjos play daily.  Kidding aside, it's like living in a big bird house among the trees.  It was a big adjustment, but we're  feeling settled...somewhat. There are still unfinished projects.  After a bath remodel and a little more landscaping, I'm going to take a break.  There's always winter.   I was pretty proud of my outdoor window box project:


I snow skied

It was a blast snow skiing with our college kids during spring break.  They've both switched from snowboarding and it was so fun sharing the trails and lifts.  It snowed most days, the high temps staying in the teens, and the mid-base depth of snow was over 100 inches.  After worrying my cranky hips wouldn't be able to hang, I happily report that my body did not hurt at all after skiing all day, every day, all week.  Even after tackling the harder runs.  Hmmmm...


I kayaked

As always, I fretted, researched, and over-thought my kayak purchase for months.  But after returning from Colorado, I made my final decision and brought home two Precision brand kayaks. They do not disappoint.   You can fish from them if you choose.  Paddling out to see the sunset never disappoints. 

I hiked

We have a popular trail system nearby.  While my sister was visiting, we checked it out by hiking 4 miles that first day.   I RUNFESS it's too rooty {a new word} for me to run, but it's deeply shaded and thus a cool way to enjoy the outdoors on a hot summer day.    And yes, it is already summer here as we've consistently hit 90 to100 degree for weeks now.   I can't not fathom what August will be like. 

I ran a race!

Wendy came to visit recently and we ran the Beaver Trail 5k.  Seriously, doesn't everyone need a beaver T-shirt?  I have run very little, still having trouble finding my groove.  My new running routes are very technical (cough, cough -- indescribably hilly).   It's humbling.  And honestly, my body often aches and thus running is not as much fun as it once was.  Aging is not for the faint of heart.  Some days I wave my white flag.  I RUNFESS, it felt good to participate in a race even though I walked much of the last mile.   The bigger RUNFESSION, however, is that I have not run since.


I water skied

Although I had a late start, I'm now enjoying my favorite activity several times a week.  Naturally, Wendy and I got our tandem groove on when she was here and enjoyed some amazing solo skiing as well.  The conditions were perfect during her visit (last year, not so much) and we skied until we couldn't ski any longer.  Rocky {aka Cooter} is the best spotter ever!

So...that's what I've been up to.    How about you?

I'm linking with my friend Marcia today from Marcia's Healthy Slice.
Please stop by and join in with your own Runfessions!

I'm also linking with my buddies Coco and Deborah for coffee!  Join us!



  1. Well look what the cat dragged in to the runfessional! So good to see you here! I saw the kayak pic on the linkup thumbnail and KNEW who it was! Your move sounds wonderful and those flower boxes are killer! So glad things are going well for you, even though running may not be the best. I am right there with you sister! Thanks for joining us! <3

  2. Love your window boxes! So pretty! You did a lot since your last runfession. Good to hear from you again. Beaver T-shirts are so cool. My middle son graduated from and now is a professor at Oregon State (The Beavers), so our family has some beaver T-shirts. I can understand your excitement at getting one! :)

  3. Holly!!!!!! SO great to see you again, Holly Dear ;-) Even if you haven't been running as much, you have not been sitting idle, giving yourself pedicures ;-) Your new location sounds beautiful!! Thumbs-up on the window boxes ;-)

  4. Hello again, Holly! I runfess I was super excited to see you on the link up! Living by the trails must be such a treat - I am starting to read the book The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes us Happier, Healthier and More Creative. Lots of cool information so far.

  5. It's so great to see your update! You've been busy for sure! Aren't there always home projects to be tackled? Some are more pressing than others. I've hated our laundry room since the day we moved in 10 years ago ... and it was Tiger Lilly (not Scooby) who chewed on the molding several years after that, and we still haven't replaced it. So many women in my MRTT group have taken up trail running - I may try a trail race this summer.

  6. I need me some Holly time again...believe it or not, Mike is actually talking about building (!) on the channel. I mean slough...

  7. Yay Holly! It's so good to hear from you! Your new locale sounds like a beautiful spot. Sounds like you've been having fun and keeping busy - please don't be a stranger! :)

  8. It's great to get an update from you. We miss you!

  9. I hope you share pictures of your renovations - I'm kinda into that kind of stuff. ;)

  10. It does take a while to bounce back after moving. It's so much work! Looks like you are now settled in. It's nice to have you for the coffee date!


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